Ass rape porn models are popular with men, especially married men. So many women will never give up their ass to their husbands. That is why the Internet is flooded with anal sex whores getting gang banged in their asses. I am one of those girls because men pay me for anal sex videos. Sometimes I like hardcore anal sex and sometimes I do not. Some guys are brutal because they see me as nothing more than a dirty whore that they can use. I started dating this new guy recently. I thought he was pretty cool and different from most men I have dated. I did not realize he had a porn addiction. He saw some of my gangbang rape porn on the dark net and he changed into an animal. I was at his place when he came home from work and he dropped his briefcase. He lunged at me in a rage and started fucking me. His hands were tight against my throat as he rammed his cock in my ass. He was not happy that I had not told him about my anal sex career. Now in his eyes I was a dirty whore. And men fuck dirty whores, they do not date them, and they certainly do not love them. Just like the other men from my past, he no longer saw me as datable. I was still fuckable though. With no lube and no gentle touch, he fucked me for hours. When he could not cum anymore, he fisted me. He said he no longer needed to watch dirty ass porn because he had his own anal sex porn star as his slave. I could not fight him. I did not want too either because I was aroused that he was treating me like the taboo phone sex whore I am.
sliced throat is what you will get bitch