Another Day of Hell on the Road

violent phone sex langleyIt was one of those times that I wish my boyfriend would shut the fuck up and just keep driving. It seemed that trucker was right on our heels. After eating Alpo for breakfast for over a month and trying to put myself through college after mommy and daddy cut me off, I was now looking out of the window at the stalker from hell! I mean it started out fun on the university us playing the game of chance on the computer and then me flirting back. I had no idea he was going to get pissed off and try to ram us off the fucking road! I was yelling at my boyfriend to go faster but that fucker was so high he would not have known what I was saying! All I knew was that we would have to get out of there fast before he did us in!
Looking out the window as he rammed the car and pushed us in the ditch I knew I was done for.My boyfriend was stone cold high and I saw the trucker running towards the window and the glass shattering. I didn’t even have a chance to breathe as he pulled my hair and dragged me out onto the pavement. I knew this was the end or the beginning as he dragged me back to the truck and pulled me in. Locking the doors I noticed the other women in the truck and began to scream and fight! Punching me in the face I felt the dark enclose the light and awoke to the smell of sulfur and powder. Trying to stand up was impossible I seemed to be kneeling down in white powder and there was an ax from above that was lowered every time I tried to pull up on the chain around my neck. Hearing boot steps approach I was ordered to sniff that white powder and then the clouds of dust entered my brain making me hallucinate to what was about to happen. I felt the press of the knife against my skin cut my flesh and blood fell onto the white dust causing a scene of agony. Forced up right I glimpsed the ax from above fall harder and the blood fall from me. The trucker pulled down his pants and pushed my mouth open it was all I could not to gag at the look of it. There was blood all over the tip and shape of the shaft had been cut to impose hooks that fell from its depths. Pushing my legs apart and looking at his toothless grin I knew I was in for more than I had bargained for as I felt the blood ooze and my soul lift into the clouds. The quick snap of my neck would be too easy the worse would come days later…

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