Accomplice phone sex Tales of a bloody classroom

accomplice phone sex An accomplice phone sex whore here and in everything I do. Blood and forced fucking of pathetic brats is my modus operandi. I have always gotten off on the extreme, and when we had secured a classroom of five boys and five girls, I knew you wanted a show like no other! First I took the two redheads, one boy and one girl. I knew you wanted it brutal as fuck. I could and would give you your ultimate pleasure’s. Cutting their clothes off made my cunt so fucking  wet.

Forcing them to fuck each other made me want to snap necks, but I had to wait, I knew you wanted it to be a bloody scene. I had the boy show his cock and beg to suck yours. I had four boys all in a  row to suck your dick and when one said he wouldn’t I sliced his throat! You fucked his throat and the other sweet boys and girls were suddenly in a hurry to blow you.

Having these worthless flesh fucks be used like they should be is making my blood rise and I want to slaughter them all. And you will fuck them until they die and bleed out and then fuck even as they’re little bodies cool. The only limits to our murder phone sex Fantasies is you! Let us destroy classroom after classroom of crotch goblins together and use them for bloody sexual pleasures.murder phone sex fantasies

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