Taboo phone sex is the only phone sex in my opinion. I fuck my sons, so clearly I am not a vanilla woman. I do coke on a daily basis. I take anything up the ass. I have always been an anal whore as well as a submissive whore, so you never have to ask me if I have limits. Limits are for credit cards not fucking, phone fucking or real fucking. I enjoy getting off with a sick accomplice. Sure, sometimes I end up dead, snuffed out by a caller; but I usually cum really hard right before my lights go out because I am a sick twisted no limits bitch. Last night I did a call that actually made me puke. Not because it was so gross or violent, but because I was guzzling booze like the founder of AA. It was a forced intoxication call. I can party with the best of them. I will snort, smoke or shoot anything, but I am not a seasoned drinker. All I had in the house was Three Olives Coconut Vodka. It was a brand new bottle, but I had to chug it. I don’t believe in faking my partying. Honestly, it was at the end of my shift, he was my last call, I thought I would be okay. I knew I would get buzzed quick. I didn’t think I would projectile vomit all over my couch. When my caller heard me hurling, he made me lick it up. “A good whore cleans up her messes,” he seethed at me. I was high and drunk, so I did it. In hindsight I shouldn’t have done it. I mean how would he have really known, right? When I am fucked up, my submissive nature is undeniable. It is like I can’t say no. I woke up smelling like a frat house on a Saturday morning. Chunks of my own vomit in my red hair, head about ready to explode and late for my morning shift. But when you call a no taboos/no limits phone sex whore, you get what you ask for and more.