Ass Rape Porn Star Blair Gets Her Ass Shredded for Coke

ass rape pornBeing an ass rape porn star allows me to pay for my coke habit. However, sometimes I pay too much. But this week I almost paid with my life. And my ass needed medical attention afterwards. Rarely do I need medical attention. I am tougher than I look. And I am no stranger to hardcore anal sex or any kind of rough sex. However, this encounter split my asshole like I shit out a bowling ball.

The guy I saw for my coke fix told me I had to give up my ass if I wanted coke. And I did not think it would be as rough as it ended up being. Five days later, I still cannot sit or shit right. Plus, I have stitches in my ass like an episiotomy. So, let me tell you what I endured. Once I stripped naked, I had to bend over and get fisted. Even double fisted. This little home porno felt more like snuff porn than anything else.

My Ass Takes a Beating and Keeps on Ticking

Six men gang banged my asshole. But they used more than their cocks. Fists. Even forearms. Baseball bats and all sorts of household items like eggbeaters and rolling pins sodomized my ass until it bled and prolapsed. It prolapses easily. However, this seemed different. More painful and more bleeding than normal. But I felt everything because they would not let me get high before they started force fucking my ass. And coke makes all the difference. I do not feel anything after a few lines of coke.

For hours, those 6 men sodomized me with every big thing they could find. Plus, they choked and suffocated me too. No one spoke to me. Not even the director of this violent gangbang rape porn. That seemed unsettling to me. When they finished, the director tossed me a wad of cash and told me to get the fuck out. And those were the only words he said to me. I got high and went to the ER before I went home and crawled into bed with my clueless husband.

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