Domination Phone Sex with a Druggy Whore

domination phone sexA woman like me needs domination phone sex. At least that’s what men tell me all the time. Although I have a submissive side, I am mostly only a subby whore for coke. My need for coke makes me do anything. Snuff flicks, BDSM shoots, rough anal sex, gang bangs… You get the idea. When you are desperate for a fix, you will do anything for it.

Last night, I could not find anyone who would trade me coke for my pussy. So, I whored myself out at the truck stop in the warehouse district. That’s the seedy part of town. Lots of bad shit has happened to me in the abandoned warehouses along the river. But this truck stop is new. And I know lot lizards usually work the truck stops. I am a coke whore, but I do not do meth or smack. So, I look good. And I knew I would be better looking than any lot lizard.

The Things I do For Coke Will Kill Me Soon

I charged $50 to fuck and $25 for a blowjob. Cheap prices because I needed to be competitive. I was competing with trashy whores. The first 8 guys I fucked seemed normal. They just wanted to treat me like their ass rape porn star. However, the last truck had two black men. Big and burly. And mean as fuck. But I needed their money to get the coke I wanted. So, I let them get rough with me. I think they hated white bitches because they came close to killing me.

When they put both of their black cocks down my throat, they almost suffocated me with their balls. Big black balls blocked my nose. And I passed out a couple times. But they would wake me up by slapping my face and punching my belly. I puked a few times from the sucker punches. But they did that to me for hours. I became their gangbang rape porn star. But I had no choice. I needed coke for the weekend. So, I did what I always do. Went home and did coke to dull the pain then started fucking teenage boys

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