Accomplice Phone Sex Babe Finds Cathartic Release in Ball Busting

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex has not always been my forte. Once upon a time, I starred in snuff films and had an owner. A few owners. But if the seedy world of snuff and extreme BDSM taught me anything it was how to survive. Survived my father’s abuse. Survived one abusive man after another. I survived underground snuff flicks. And I survived my last master, who killed all his former slaves. You learn to be scrappy in this seedy world.

And now, I serve as an accomplice for perverted men like you. However, sometimes, I get to give back some of the torture and pain men inflicted on me. Perhaps not to the man who deserve it, but to some loser. When I met Edward, I thought it was a chance meeting. But he planned it. Saw me weeks ago at this local coffee house I walk to every morning, and he recognized me from my snuff porn days. A fanboy of sorts.

When he asked me out, I did not yet realize he was a fanboy. At dinner he told me. And he told me he long fantasized about cock and ball torture from a blonde goddess. At first, I felt disappointed. Handsome man. Appeared educated and sophisticated too. Great job. Awesome car. Potential boyfriend material. However, he seemed only interested in what I could do to his cock. Not for his cock. To his cock.

It Feels Great to Take My Anger Out on Some Man’s Cock and Balls

When he told me he would pay anything if I would trample and mutilate his cock, he piqued my curiosity. How could I say no. I tossed out a number, thinking we would negotiate down. But he said no problem. No haggling occurred. Hey, if a man wants to pay me for cock and ball torture sex, I take the money and destroy that dick. I find it cathartic release for all the shit men put me through in my life.

We stopped at my place so I could grab my sounding device, spiked heels and castration band. My guess, Edward woke up the next day with major regret. Not only did I chemically castrate him, but I also mutilated his manhood. Destroyed it. Left him in a pool of tears and blood with a dick that looked like raw hamburger. Maybe not the date I had hoped for, but I sure did turn lemons into lemonade.

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