Snuff Porn made with teen tarts A revenge story

Snuff pornSnuff Porn made with teen tarts has me begging to help my accomplice kill! See I have this crazy desire to destroy every slutty little bitch in my school. I hate the way these bitches tease me about being a whore. But what they don’t know is I have to be a whore because I have no titties, and I’m a very tiny girl! Some men age play with me But all the past sexual abuse has made me a really violent little bitch! And I love it! 

So what if I help a man tie up a little slut and torture her body? I didn’t think about killing her right away. It was only after he set up the camera and started filming as he cut on her plump young breast. At first I thought it was just going to be a little Ass rape porn, ya know?

Snuff Porn made with teen tarts A revenge story

But the more he cut on her and a more he tightened her restraints I knew she wasn’t going to survive his wrath. And what’s even better is she’s not even gag so she’s begging him not to hurt her anymore. She wants her mommy and daddy, oh how quickly a little slut becomes a baby girl in a moment before her death! I know the perfect place to dispose of her body and tell him as I watch her eyes get big at me.

Maybe you and your little cheerleader friends should not have been making fun of me! I have no compassion and no regret for what we’re fixing to do to her. I want to see him slice her throat and fuck it as she dies gurgling on his cum and her own blood! Cum for sadistic fun with Evil Teen harper! 

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