Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim.

Accomplice phone sex            Accomplice phone sex; you, me, and victim. That makes three. You want me to be the helper or you the helper. I do so like making you the helper. Taking charge is what I do. I like the killer fun time that is to be had. After all, what is the killer bee if not the executioner. Want to make it dirty and nasty naughty. Then to be sure let us make it bloody awful.

            Pick the tools of the trade. As my accomplice you need to be prepared for everything. All in all, I am a knife wielding fucking whore. Like to cut up the inside and yank them out with a flick of the wrist. Too bloody for you. Need something to warm up too.

            We can always start with a suffocation phone sex call. A pillow over the face. Start with dry drowning. The possibilities. As long as you are getting hard. You must try screwing them once they have been snuffed out. Once they are caput the muscles contract. It will be the tightest passage you have every fucked. We will move up until you are used to the blood. The gore.

            The pain and suffering.

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