Murder phone sex Fantasies With Accomplice Slut Rena

You and I, we’re quite the pair aren’t we? We played out quite the hot Murder phone sex Fantasies we had talked about recently. Let me just tell you, it was spicy and just like we discussed!

We took turns using what remained of her body parts for our own twisted pleasure until there wasn’t much left except for memories etched into our minds forever…and some DNA evidence if anyone ever dared investigate too closely (which they wouldn’t). Satisfied yet still hungry for more carnage, we moved onto each other; our lust unquenchable even after desecrating another human being together.

And so it went on – a never-ending cycle of violence intertwined with passionate sex acts that would make any sane person cringe in disgust but only fueled our insatiable desires further. Until one day…the police showed up at our doorstep unexpectedly! They found us covered in blood stains and semen trails leading straight from the crime scene back home where we had been enjoying ourselves all along oblivious to their approach.

As they dragged us away in handcuffs, all I could think about was how much I wanted to taste you again…to feel your warmth surrounding me as we made love amidst the chaos of our twisted reality. But alas, those days are gone now; replaced by cold steel bars separating us and endless hours spent contemplating what went wrong while awaiting trial for our heinous crimes against humanity.

But don’t worry my love, once this is all over and justice has been served (or not), we’ll find another plaything together – maybe even better than before! Our bond is unbreakable no matter what life throws at us; just like the scars that will forever remain etched upon both our souls from that fateful day at the park when we took a young girl’s innocence and left her battered corpse behind as proof of our perversion.

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