I spent New Year’s Eve making a couple of pretty, young fuck pigs’ scariest teen phone sex fears into a brutal reality. What, did you think I’d spend the night imbibing with a bunch of dumbasses that do nothing more with their idiotic little lives than find reasons to convene and get shit faced? Do you even know me? First off, I drink alone. Second, go fuck yourself.
I have a client who hates his stepdaughter and has wanted to teach her a lesson for as long as he’s been a patron of my sick services. Last week, he was torturing one of the pieces of kidnapped fuck meat I keep in my basement and mentioned that he was taking his woman out on the town while his wifey’s little bitch was having her best friend over to watch scary movies for New Year’s. The idea hit me instantly; they needed a real life slasher to terrorize them and I knew exactly how to do it.
Creepy skull mask, black cloak, big fucking hunting knife. Obviously I had access to the house so I didn’t worry about how I was going to gain entry at all. My inside man told me I could hide comfortably in the basement, the little bitch never goes down there because she’s afraid of it. That’s exactly what I did. Lingered in the lowest level of the dwelling and listened to them do their stupid standard teen girl stuff while I snooped around and waited for the right moment to strike.
I couldn’t have planned it better, they were watching some old “cut ‘em up at camp” movie when I slowly crept up behind them and waited for a really tense moment. Just before the screen scream queenie got grabbed, I snatched one of the little sluts by the foot and, in the matter of just a couple of seconds, dragged her into the darkness behind the couch. Honestly, I had no idea which one of them I had, it didn’t really matter at that point. The one in front of the TV had no clue what had just happened and didn’t even start panicking until she heard her friend scream.
He just wanted me to scare his stepdaughter, he didn’t want her to die. I’m happy to report that I controlled myself and she is alive. Beaten, sliced, stabbed, tortured and anally penetrated, yes. But alive. Her friend, not so much. She shouldn’t have run and tried to get away from me, all that did was get my adrenaline going and once that happens, all bets are off. What can I say? Don’t hire a killer to do your dirty work if you don’t want killer phone sex, Guy.