Cowboy killers

killer phone sex

Cowboy killers are the term used for full flavor cigarettes that ranch hands smoke. Its a slow death but I can get behind that! I want to kill you slowly by my knife cutting into your flesh and bleeding you out slowly.  I do smoke and enjoy using my smokes to burn your balls and thighs if I am so inclined and I am inclined all the time. I am sadistic and twisted in my desires to hurt you. I believe that some men need a little castration after masturbation. And my snuff whore heart always takes it to the extreme and wants to kill you by the blade of my knife. Are you balls worthy to stay on your body? Have you been evil enough? Perhaps you should bring us a nice young play thing and I will let you keep you balls. Then again I am a ball slicer and dicer, I wouldn’t want to cut them off just yet when its the perfect canvas for pain! Are you down to accomplice with me or would you prefer my own sick and twisted torture on your body? 

With all my demonic hate, 


the murder phone sex fantasies queen of the night!

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