Wet Murder phone sex fantasies

murder phone sex Murder phone sex fantasies had me luring two little sisters.

Down in the basement things were getting heated and wet! Alexa, dim the lights.” “Setting lights to; Demonic.” The red lights blazed around me. I started to laugh.

The pair of sweet young bunny wabbits I had trussed up on my playroom table started to cry.

I was in Hell, and these little morsels were about to be as well.

“Please don’t hurt us!” The oldest of my prey cried out. I backhanded her. She could watch her sister go first, since she wanted to be so brave. I snatched up the little one, and put her down a hole in my floor.

She fell; her leg snapped. She screamed as I flooded her chamber with lights, pulling the viewing screen down for my little snack. “Alexa, fill the tub.” “Filling the tub.” Water started to flood the chamber.

I kissed my sweet tiny jane doe roughly. “I hope your sister can swim.” We spent an hour watching the room slowly fill up, terrifying both of my little treats. I was finger fucking mine, edging her.

I wanted her to beg me to let her cum before I tortured her for the next three days. Then, I’d be waiting for her to beg me to kill her. But She would be staring in gangbang rape porn first! I’m sure some men would love to get that dick wet with a tight little forbidden cunt! 

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