Evil Phone Sex Torture Chamber

evil phone sex

I’ve been in this torture chamber for a long time now. There has been no concept of time for me for a while, so I really have no idea how long it’s been. It started when I was a sweet, unassuming waitress in a diner and this guy kept coming in and sitting in my section. He sweet-talked me and eventually, I felt like I knew him well enough to go over to his house to hang out with him. That turned out to be a big mistake, because as soon as I started drinking the drink he gave me, I knew that he’d drugged me.

I woke up in a dungeon and it wasn’t one of those sexy ones that are trendy now. I saw him walking toward me with nipple clamps and he put them on me and they were so tight it made me cry and I saw blood trickle down my tit. It was then that I realized my legs were strapped down and I was spread-eagle and couldn’t move. He took a clamp and put it on my clit and it made me scream. But as he told me, nobody could hear me. That was just the very beginning of what he did to me. If you want to hear more, call me for evil phone sex!

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