Marley pieces

mutilation phone sex

Mutilation phone sex makes me go to pieces! Today they found what was left of my body. I was found in a drainage ditch a short drive from my home. They found my head which had been severed by a piano wire, most of my torso which had bite marks in it, and one of my hands. From what they could see I had been beaten before being dumped on the side of the road. What they don’t know is how it happened. You see I met a guy online who promised to fulfill every fantasy that I had ever had. We had talked about my depression and how I ultimately kill myself but that I would like to enjoy it. He agreed and so we met at a cabin in the woods. He took this last picture of me and then we began. He tied my arms up above my head, tied my legs up behind me and put a gag in my mouth. He then lowered the ropes enough that he could fuck me from behind. But before that happened he used my body like a punching bag. There was’t even a spot that didn’t have bruises on it. While I was crying and going in and out of consciousness he took a couple of big bites out of my torso, he looked up at me grinning with my blood and flesh running down his chin. He then removed my gag and got behind me. My pussy was wet already so he slid his cock into me and started fucking me by holding onto my hips so I didn’t swing away from him. After a few strokes he pulled a piece of piano wire from his pocket and wrapped it around my throat. He used that to hold my body in place while he both strangled and fucked me. I could feel the wire cutting into me but I tried to concentrate on the fucking I was getting. I started choking and he leaned down and said this is it I can’t wait to hear you take your last breath. All I could see was stars and then it all went black. He finished the job by completely removing my head from my body, then using the same wire to slice through my hands and feet. He then gave my cold lips a deep kiss and dumped my body into the ditch. It was exactly how I wanted to go but wish that the animals had done a better job of taking off with the rest of my body.  

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