Bloody Phone Sex and the Black Dahlia

bloody phone sex

It excited me when you told me that you were turned on by one of the most famous cold cases in US history – the Black Dahlia. I asked you about that story made your cock hard. You told me that when you looked at the crime scene photos, your cock immediately got rock hard. The way she was bisected, the way her face was cut to make it look like she was smiling, and the way the killer cut a crisscross pattern right above her pussy. All of it made you so excited that you could hardly stand it.

And that’s when you told me that you wanted to do that to me. You wanted to slice my face while I was still alive so you could watch the blood saturate my blonde hair. You told me that you wanted to tie my legs up so that they were wide open and you could slice up my pussy. And you said you’d be saving the best part for last… you were going to cut me in half and watch the blood drain slowly from my body. Are you up for some bloody phone sex? I’m ready and waiting for you.

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