Ass Rape Porn with My Stepson

ass rape pornI have an ass for ass rape porn. I have heard that a lot. I was down on the floor half naked snorting lines of coke last night. I thought I was home alone. My stepson was there. He had snuck in the backdoor and wanted to violate my back door. When I heard him, I jumped. He scares me. I never know if he will be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde when I see him. He was high as a kite, just like me. But unlike me, he was not in a good mood. He slapped a collar around my neck, put a ball gag in my mouth. That just disarmed me for the baseball bat up my ass. He read online about some man beating his ex-wife to death with a baseball bat and felt inspired to violate his whore stepmom. As usual, no lube when he crammed the bat up my ass. Thank God, I was high. I still felt the pain. I thought he was done. He pulled the bat out, but he just replaced the bat with his cock, and he made me suck the bat. I had to taste my own blood and shit. Gross. I did not want to scream and wake my boys. Even though they have the same father, my stepson hates his half-brothers. He sees them has stealing his inheritance. I was afraid he would hurt them. I stifled my screams on the end of that baseball bat as he enjoyed fucking my prolapsed ass back inside me. If my husband only knew how his son treated me. I keep threatening to tell my husband, but I am afraid. Not sure what scares me more. That my stepson might kill me before I tell my husband about the abuse, or that may husband will cut his son off and I will get violated by him again.


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