Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Good Old Boys

rape phone sex fantasies

Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? You would think I do with the stories I have to share. I decided last night was a nice night. The perfect night for a drive. I get cagey feeling staying at home, so a long drive, some good tunes and some primo weed, sounded like just what my doctor would order. I had been in the car for about 100 miles when I realized I needed gas. I was on an old country road, so the first place I saw, I pulled over. It was a little Ma and Pa gas station. I felt like I was in a horror movie. Turns out, I was. Some guy who looked like he was fresh out of the movie Deliverance pumped my gas for me. Full-service gas in 2020? I was flabbergasted, but I let him do his thing. I asked if there was a bathroom and of course it was on the side of the gas station. It looked like a bathroom out of the first Saw movie. As I exited the bathroom of horrors, Bubba and some equally looking redneck friends shoved me back inside. My nice drive in the country turned into a gangbang rape porn. They tied me up and stripped my clothes off. The smell of dirty toilet water made me gag. This was not a place I wanted to be naked in. It killed me to hover over the stained and broken toilet seat to pee. Now, I was sucking redneck dick and getting sodomized by the boys from Deliverance. I swore I heard banjo music even though I was nowhere near a river. I tried fighting. I clearly new I was better than some redneck good old boys from the country. They decided to fuck the attitude out of me. They saw me as a piece of ass, nothing more. The bounced me around until I was covered in so much piss and cum, I fit right into that dingy, gross roadside bathroom. I just can never escape being a taboo phone sex whore.

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