Roleplay phone sex

Roleplay phone sex

I invited my neighbor over for a cup of tea. After all, I had to lure him in with something that he likes. He is from England so I knew automatically he would enjoy a nice cup of tea. I made sure to wear the sluttiest little shirt. My big tits were hanging all out. He could not keep his fucking eyes off of them. I needed him to be in a trance state in order to finish my sick and twisted ass mission. I slipped a nice little antidote inside of the tea. A substance that will knock him out cold and then the fun can begin!

My pussy is so soaking wet just thinking about all the fun I am about to have once he is passed out. I gave him looks of seduction as we continued to sip our tea. His English accent turns me on even more. I play footsies under the table and massage my pretty toes all around his cock. He became rock hard. My eyebrows raised and I gave him a sexy grin. Within 3 minutes of that time frame he was knocked out cold. He practically fell out of his chair.

His head hit the floor and I drugged him into the next room. I call the room my dungeon. It is all black will lots of whips and chains. I chain him up with nothing on and his 10 inch dick just dangling. I chop his dick off and then stuff it inside of his mouth. Blood begin to gush onto the floor. The sight of blood always turns me on. I lay on the puddle of blood and begin to fuck my wet cunt with my dildo. I let the blood drip onto my toy and continue to fuck my pussy until I cum. Nothing like the sight of blood that gets me so fucking horny. Do you have some more blood for us to spill? My pussy is always wet for more.

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