Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sexI was chained up and it was dark except for the overhead light beating down on my naked flesh above me. I was gushing blood but I could not tell where it was coming from. I was completely soaked from head to toe. The guy responsible for this was standing over me, his cock was out. He was happy that I was finally awake. He said I keep drifting in and out of consciousness.

He lowered the table I was in and took a sharp blade and cut off my nipples. He slid his dick right into the fat of my tits and began to fuck away the fat from the muscle. He was mashing up my tit fat while he jerked his cock inside of my tits. His cock was saturated in my blood as he jerked himself off inside of my tit flesh.

He made me lick his blood covered cock and moved it down to my cunt. He pushed his way inside of me cunt and began to stab my uterus as his cock slid in and out of me. I wish he would just kill me but he says that would be no fun.

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