Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: Thanksgiving Dinner


cannibalism phone sex kidnapped submissiveI was on my way to yoga when I got a flat tire. This nice young guy came to my assistance and gave me a lift. He did not take me home or to the garage. He took me to his place where he preceded to break me into submission. He said I was a stupid worthless whore, but he could find a good purpose for me; he just had to break me first. After a week in a cage deprived of my narcissistic wants, I came to accept that I had a greater purpose in life; one that revolved around serving and helping others.

During this month of thanks, I now find myself grateful for my healthy, ample body. You see at 5’9 170 lbs with good muscle tone and excellent health, I can feed a less fortunate family for an entire year. I lack the financial means to support an impoverished family;  I can barely support myself. However, I can nourish them; provide a warm meal on a cold day. My life has purpose now. HE made me see that. I have been eating like a bird and working out daily and using all sorts of chemicals on my hair and body to just be a vacuous dumb Barbie who only serves her own good. That all changed the day I met HIM.

cannibalism phone sex torture evilHE had been watching me, stalking me, knew I needed to find meaning in my life. To give back for the gift of beauty and health I was given. My tire being flat was not a random act; there are no random acts in life. It was a calculated chance to renew my life; to become a better person. I just needed HIS help to realize this. In that cage for a week being fed cornmeal and protein shakes, I realized with HIS assistance that I can give the ultimate sacrifice to help others.cannibalism phone sex snuff

So, this Thanksgiving, dinner will be served and I will be the main course. HE has been preparing me for a feast. HE has been preparing other lucky women too. From my feeding cage I can see him harvesting organs, preparing them in a special manner as to provide the most nourishment for others. All the women HE has collected have a purpose. I am just happy to be the main course. I will soon have a large skewer up my ass, an apple in my mouth and thermometer in my cunt as I slow roast over an open flame.

cannibalism phone sex blonde submissiveI love cannibalism phone sex. How can I serve you? Or perhaps the better question is, how will you serve me? Maybe with a butter base, carrots and potatoes?


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