I am a strong woman, I don’t take shit from anyone and I rarely ask for help ever so when I do I expect to be helped. Well, there I was with a few of my associates after a satisfying kill session and because they were all men they all just kind of expected me to clean up. Look I love blood, I want to run it into my skin and drink it down and fuck in a puddle of it but when playtime is over I am not the fucking maid. I told the three of them that I needed their help to clean up the mess we all made, that little girl bled a lot after being force fucked by us all. Two of the three of them saw the look on my face and knowing that I am not the bitch to fuck with, they came over to help me wrap the body up so that we could transport it. The third asshole just stood there with a cocky grin on his face and said that he didn’t do women’s work. I’ll admit it, I lost control of my rage when he said that. All I could see was red and all I wanted was to kill him. I jumped on that fucking asshole with my knife in my hand and stabbed him over and over in a rage fueled lust and I didn’t stop until he was quite dead. No one disrespects me like that and lives…