The first time I realized I was sadistic was when I was a little girl. I use to watch all of the gory horror films when all of my friends were scared to death of them. I loved to see the blood and guts! I guess that is where my love for blood started, the love to see it flowing out of someone and the love to want to feel it! I couldn’t resist my love to feel that blood so when I was a little older there was this stupid cat that use to drive me crazy. I think it was a stray and it was always around meowing and hissing and just being plain mean. I decided right then and there I wanted to feel the blood flowing out of its body! So I picked it up by the scruff of its neck and just started superficially stabbing it just to practice and get the blood flowing out. After that I was addicted to the blood and then the torture of that damn cat! I had to torture it more so I decided to start at the scruff of its neck and start skinning that stupid thing alive. Man you should have heard it cry out, lol. It was so fun, I enjoyed the hell out of torturing that stupid cat. I started wondering what it would be like with human prey. So that is when I realized I was a sadistic and have loved every minute of it and the darkness it has taken me to!