We were bored as fuck last night and even tho we had our victims right there on the floor in front of us, we just hated the idea of killing them the same old boring ways. We didn’t want to stab them or strangle them and we had definitely already fucked them so they were just kinda laying on the floor all curled up and crying. Suddenly tho, inspiration struck me! I told my lover that I had a wonderful idea, lets use the new box! We had a special box built, it was just big enough to fit a person sitting cross legged but not big enough to stretch out. Just the right size to make you claustrophobic as fuck, you would really feel it closing in on you. It is escape proof once we put you in there you aren’t going anywhere until you are dead. That was where we dumped those stupid whores, we threw them both in there and closed the lid. They were screaming and scared of the dark but they really got fucked up when we opened a secret trap door and threw in a bunch of rats snakes and all kinds of creepy crawlies. They about lost their fucking minds then! We let the critters do all the killing we just fucked on the box while those whores cried, it was a great night!