I was checking out at the store yesterday. Behind some Bitch with her brat. The little one looked so sad. His Bitch whore mother was yelling at him for getting dirt on his shoes. Again I saw them getting into their WAY to expensive convertible Porch. A two seater. Obviously obscenely wealthy. And yet cant find the funds for a family car. But then again she wasn’t Mother of the Year. As I was pulling out of the parking lot the Bitch cut me off. Music BLARING and driving like a crazy woman. That poor little bastard in the front seat doesn’t have a chance! Just call me a fucking fairy godmother. I followed them home. Have you ever just looked at a house and knew? You just knew that the people that lived there were complete fakers. Where their perfect yard. And perfect house. The well manicured lawn and the pristine perfect matching mail box. You just know that these loser are wasting their lives. They need a fucking wake up call. The next morning I waited for Jr. to go off the school. Dressed in black with a matching mask. I just walked in the front door. The fucked up parents didn’t even notice I was there. I was able to knock the bitch out and tie her up. Daddy dearest had no idea. He was upstairs talking to his mistress on the phone. They were making plans to meet up. I tasered him the second he hung up. When the couple woke up I was ready for them. I told them what bad parents they were. I told them how I was going to kill them. I told them that I was going to wait for their little bastard to get home. And I was going to kill him. Daddy got very upset. I could tell. He cared about his young. But mommy didn’t. Time for the wake up call. I pulled out a crow bar. And walked up to mommy. I pulled the bar back and she started to scream. I told her it was her choice. I was going to bash her face in. Or…. I was going to bash her sons face in. She was so quick to throw her little bastard to the wolves. Daddy begged. He would take the beating… I really wanted to fuck them up. And honestly. I am sure I will. But the BEST way to hurt this Bitch. Is to leak the video tape I was making. The whole world will see what a horrid mother she is! I told them I was going to get a knife. But I let myself out. The video went viral before the couple was even freed. She is RUINED. Daddy filed for divorce that day. A wake up call about a perfect life. Oooh I was planning on paying the mommy dearest a visit in a few weeks.. when the press dies down. I was gonna make that bitch pay! But.. The whore committed Suicide today… hmmm. Its the best thing for everyone involved.