Violent phone sex

violent phone sexEveryone knows I have a dark imagination and a wild sexual hunger. It makes me perfect to help with certain jobs that people need help with. One guy told me about a few of his employees that needed to learn a lesson the hard way. He trusted them and they let him down so it was time to face the consequences and I was going to help with that. I was there when he called them into his office. The pregnant one was a bitch and I couldn’t wait to fuck her up. He confronted them about what they had done and told them that if they wanted to keep their jobs, they were going to play with us and do exactly as he said. They agreed like the stupid, desperate whores they are. Once we had them stripped down and ready to “play”, the real fun began. He made the pregnant bitch help him stretch and torture the other one, by holding her  cheeks apart for him. He ripped her asshole and fucked her as she screamed and begged him to stop. When he was finished, I grabbed the pregnant bitch up by the hair and forced her to suck the blood and cum off of his throbbing cock. I knew he couldn’t wait for his turn with her. I helped him hold her down and force fuck her tight, pregnant pussy. He told me ahead of time what his plan was. He wanted to fuck her into labor so that he could enjoy a brand new fuck toy, fresh from the diseased whore who fucked him over at work. When the stupid bitch did finally squeeze the little pile of shit, I held it open for him to slid his huge, hard cock into and fill with his sweet cum! Jobs like these are perfect for a twisted bitch like me!



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