You would be surprised at how much one can get for human flesh. I’m not even talking sex trafficking here. Men from all walks of life will pay top dollar for females of all types and ages. Some keep women as pets, some as servants, of course a few for sex slaves, but where I make my big money is selling women for nourishment. Not everyone who likes the taste of human flesh is some crazed killer like Hannibal Lector or Jeffrey Dahmer. Many are just normal, middle to upper class men and women who have a sophisticated pallet. I cater to that niche in female human flesh.
I have a very in depth selection process. I was trained by Rick, an expert in let’s say the fine dining experience. I stalk my commodities at length. I look for women with meat on their bones. You know, the kind that can provide proper nourishment. The women I hold captive need a certain amount of body fat to sustain others. Before I take a woman captive, I need to know she is healthy and natural. By natural I mean no Botox, no plastic surgery, no silicone breasts, no perms or hair dyes….Real woman taste better. I specialize in organic, all natural meat.
So once I capture my women, I cage them. Yes, I know they are not free range, but can’t have them escaping. So yes they are captives, but I treat them very well. They each have their own cage and I feed them a high fat, high protein diet. Lots of yummy cornmeal shakes. Some of them need fattened up a bit. I bathe them daily, strip their bodies of any chemicals. I love them like a farmer loves his cows and pigs. My captives are precious commodities to me. I don’t beat them; bruised flesh does not get top dollar. They bring me top dollar, so of course I am going to treat them well.
I have a showing two times a week to potential buyers. They are always so impressed with my selection and how healthy and plump and natural my captives are. Now, I assume my buyers know how to cook flesh, but for an extra fee, I am happy to give a cooking lesson. Thanks to Rick, I have learned all about proper seasoning and filleting. I have even acquired a taste for flesh. Think about it. The world is over populated. So much poverty, so much starvation in the world. I am simply helping to conserve resources and feed people, while making a good living.
My newest captive is my mother. She has some flesh on her bones, so I know she will taste yummy. Plus, I’m tired of her nagging me. Every holiday it is the same thing, when am I going to make her a grandmother. Never bitch. I’m not fond of little ones. And , I am not fond of you. But soon , she will be some one’s dinner, and no longer a nuisance.
If you have a woman problem, perhaps I can help. I have clients who will pay top dollar for premium flesh. And if you have say some bargain meat, well I can get rid of that for you for free. Cheap sluts grind up nicely and make good feed for the pigs I slaughter to fatten up my captives. Come shop at my warehouse. I am sure I have the perfect woman for whatever your purpose: dinner, sex slave, servant, pet, or even torture doll.