Two Victims Are More Gratifying

2 girl phone sex

 It’s hot scene for a 2 girl phone sex call. Two slutty whorish blonde victims. You lured us separately and trapped us in a dungeon or basement. Our senses are distraught as it’s very dark and concrete here. We are being treated like some kind of caged animals and only given a bucket to use for toilet and a bowl of water each. We are chained with a collar. Our wrists and ankles are shackled. There’s a webcam in each corner of the cell. We are being recorded and watched.

We beg and plea to be let go. Please let us out! It’s been a few hours and the drugs you injected us with are wearing off. We are at opposite sides of the cell and can’t even reach one another. We chained beasts and have no idea what is expected of us. There are voices coming silently to each of us. Telling us that the other one is plotting against us. You are trying to turn us against one another. We start to try and claw at each other but we can’t. I know you are just watching and laughing as we try to destroy one another and are destroying ourselves in the process. My neck is being cut by the collar I try getting out of the wrist shackles breaking my wrist.

Accomplice phone sex

You come in and are laughing. You bring in five huge hung men and let them go at us. We are being beat and fucked into a merciless bloody mess. You make me think that Sierra had plotted this abduction and singled me out at the club for the accomplice phone sex scene. You did the same to Sierra telling her it was me who chose her. We are just the victims in your sick game. This is not going to end well for us, is it?

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