Torture phone sex with Stephanie

pain slut phone sex

 The life of a pain slut phone sex whore is so much kinky fun but being a snuff slut is my lifelong dream. I have always been so turned on by the thought of torturing my pathetic pussy and ending my own life for an audience. I met a man who was going to help make my dreams come true! He set everything up for me. All I had to do was walk out onto the stage and show everyone what a twisted whore I can be. I could hear a dull murmur from the audience but the hot, blinding glare from the spotlight was all I could see. A table to my left held various tools and torture devices. I selected a large knife with a razor sharp blade and sat down on the chair in the middle of the stage. I started out by taking that knife and making a tiny slit in my thigh, next to my slutty pussy. I dipped my fingers in the blood and started to tease my clit. I took the handle of that big knife and started to fuck myself with it, slicing into my fingers as I squeezed the blade. The faster I fucked myself with the handle of that huge knife, the more turned on I became. I could feel the inside of my pussy being cut to shreds as the blood poured out all over the place. I wanted everyone in this audience to know what a torture doll I was! I made a huge slit in the underside of each breasts. I started to peel the skin up and around my huge tits as I rode the huge spiked dildo mounted to the chair on stage. Suddenly the stage was overtaken by guys from the audience, grabbing knives from the table to finish what I had started. They held my bloody, mutilated body down and stabbed and cut my remaining flesh. They tore shreds of skin from my tits and stomach as they made their way down to my cunt. I reached down and played with my bloody, destroyed pussy as they ripped me apart like animals. I had finally lived out my dream and it was time for me to be snuffed like the whore I’ve always fantasized of being. 

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