My master can be so cruel sometimes. I know I deserve every bit of pain he gives me. Today when I woke up I felt a big strike over my head. I woke up and found myself out in the hot heat tied to a chair. I was so thirsty, my body and head ached with pain. My arms were strapped so tightly behind me I could not even feel them anymore. It was so hot that I couldn’t even catch my breath as my nakedness stuck to the chair. He wanted to make me suffer in every way possible. My head was ringing from the impact that had previously happened to my head. My legs were completely spread open and my pussy was fully exposed, along with my nipples. He cut a hole in the bottom of the chair where my ass hole was fully exposed if he knocked me over. Oops I spoke to soon. I went face first into the dirt. It hurt so bad, my ass hole was up in the air being stretched out by as many objects as my master could find. He pissed all over me while I was still in the dirt. I am nothing but a nasty little whore, he was wanting to claim his territory. He dragged me up and sat my chair back up. I was covered in dirt and a little bloody. He was going to have his wild way with me and we were just getting started by the look in his eyes. I love him, and just want to please him.