Torture Phone Sex: I Need to Be Careful What I Ak For

torture phone sexI am no stranger to torture phone sex. Honestly, I love pain. Perhaps, I am a masochist. Which is something I struggle with sometimes. I possess two sides to me. One is the soccer mom who lives in the suburbs and shuffles young ones around to school and games. I have a loving family including a doting husband. However, the other side of me likes to snort copious amounts of cocaine and explore dark fantasies. And of course, the higher I get, the wilder I become.

Friday night, I was home alone. My husband took the boys to a soccer tournament out of the city. And because of work, I stayed home. I told myself I would do some Spring cleaning and maybe pamper myself too. But I did way too much coke. And I guess I texted this one dealer I use occasionally that I had some home invasion phone sex fantasies I wanted to explore. The problem with me is that I get high and forget who I texted and what I said.

I Get High and Ask for Pain

By the time I realized what I had done, it was too late to back out. I was on the couch half passed out when I noticed I was not home alone any longer. About six masked intruders surrounded me. One guy pulled me off the couch and tossed me to the floor. He began yelling at me and degrading me for being a whore mother. While he yelled and berated me, his friends pinned me down and ripped my clothes off.

Suddenly, I realized I asked for this. But I could not back out because these men came here with a purpose. They came here to gang bang the coked-up soccer mom. Part of me wanted it too. They turned me into a gangbang rape porn star. No matter how much I pleaded, they did not stop. And truthfully, I did not want them to stop either. But I am a pain slut who loves to be used, hurt and violated.

They fucked me for hours before they left. And when they left my asshole appeared to be hanging on the outside rather than inside. I had bruises and ligature marks forming on my body. And I smelled like a men’s public urinal. I need to be careful what I ask for.

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