Torture phone sex

torture phone sex

I’ve always fantasized about being raped and tortured before finally being put out of my pathetic misery. I figured since I’m just a junkie whore anyway, no one will miss a reject to society like me. All I’m good for is fucking and sucking cock for drugs. I finally met a guy with enough balls to do me in. He told me to meet him in a back alley behind an abandoned grocery store in town. That alley is notorious dumping grounds for snuffed out junkie whores. At least he wouldn’t have to drag my nasty, cum filled corpse very far. I started to walk down the alley when suddenly there was a hand over my mouth and a deep voice in my ear. He called me a junkie slut and told me he was here to do the job. He dragged me behind a dumpster and started cutting my clothes away with a big knife. Once I was naked, he grabbed a fist full of my hair and forced me, face down onto the ground. He lifted my ass up and started to rape my tight little asshole as I cried in pain. He reached around with his knife and started to make deep gashes in my thighs. Next, he started to put his cock in my pussy but not before he ran the head down my leg. He was going to use my blood as a lube to fuck me. He fucked me hard for what seemed like forever. While he was stuffing his cock into every hole he could fit it in, I felt a hot, searing pain of the knife. He was cutting huge gashes all over my nasty whore body. The entire time, he was yelling at me and telling me what a dirty, junkie slut I was. I was crying and begging him to end my life. My pussy was so wet from being tortured and I was weak from losing so much blood. He told me to lie down on my back and look up at him. He was on his knees and plunged the knife right through my neck, pinning me to the ground. He stood up and spit in my face before walking away, leaving me there to bleed out. I deserved every bit of this and more.