I kill for pleasure in addition to killing for profit but one thing I will never do is take care of some loser’s problems for free no matter how much I may enjoy the killing part. This asshole called me up looking for someone to kill his family for him, he was tired of being a husband and father and all he wanted was the insurance money. What he didn’t want to do was pay me. He felt like I should kill them for free and then keep quiet about it all for nothing just because I am a woman and not a man, can you believe that shit? Well I led him to believe that all that was just fine with me and then went behind his back to show his wife all of his incriminating texts. Well the wife was more than willing to be extremely generous with me so guess who actually died… spoiler alert it was not the wife and brats. I made sure to kill that asshole in a particularly gruesome manner so that the insurance would pay his wife double and we split the profit. It really goes to show you that if you want good work you really need to pay for it.