I was out for a walk earlier today and I saw a woman with her brats at the playground even tho that playground was closed. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, we’re all supposed to be social distancing and all that bullshit so what the fuck was this whore doing there germing up the place? Well I decided that I should punish her for breaking the rules. I followed the dumb cunt and her brood of brats home and waited until it was dark. Then I broke into her house and had a little fun. I herded them all into the living room and tied them up and asked her what the fuck she thought she was doing earlier, she told me that she didn’t believe in the pandemic and thought it was just a ploy by the government to get us all chipped. The stupidity really hurt my brain so I just shot the bitch in the face to shut her up. Then I moved on to her brats. I spent a lot of time cutting them up into little pieces while they were alive, it took them a very long time to die and it was just so satisfying.