I picked out a family and stalked them to learn their schedules and habits and when the timing was just right I broke in and killed them all. I drugged the parents and securely tied them up before I brought their little brats into the room. I tortured them one by one all while the parents watched. I love seeing the terror in their eyes when they are watching their brats suffer like that. The little ones always beg their parents to help them but they can’t move, they are completely helpless and I love it. Once the brats are dead I move on to the husband, I humiliate him and force fuck him, completely emasculating him in front of his woman before I finally kill him too. Then the bitch is all alone. It can go one of two ways at that point, sometimes the bitch will fight me because she still hold on to hope that she may live thru it. Other times she has given up all hope and has no will to live left after watching her family die like that. If she’s fighting to live I will kill her but if she wants to die, well, I make her live and wait to see how many days will pass before she kills herself. Either way it is fun for me!