The Wrong Bar to Score Drugs

ass rape porn dirty motherI knew the moment I walked in to score some coke, this was no ordinary bar. A wholesome looking soccer mom with a dirty habit stood out like a sore thumb in this leather biker bar. But, the bartender is known for having the best coke for the cheapest price in town. I tried to act like I fit in as I walked up to the bar, but I was shaking in my pumps.  “You look like someone I want to abuse,” the bartender informed me. I felt eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. “I’m clearly in the wrong place,” I stammered. I pivoted on my heels to leave, but he grabbed me gruffly by my red mane, yanked me back. “Not so soon MILFY. I know what you want and I got what you need,” he seethed before slamming my face down on the bar.

Dizzy from the blow to my head, I teetered in my pumps until I collapsed over a table. Before I could regain my composure, strangers were pulling my clothes off. Dazed and confused, men violated my holes. I felt fists being shoved up my cunt and my ass. Men were pissing down my throat. I was being violated in the worst way. The creepy bartender came around me from behind. Grabbed my red locks so hard I thought my hair would pull out from the roots. He started force fucking my ass. I started to cry, but I got my mouth muffled with huge cock. “Nothing more we hate than soccer moms slumming for drugs,” he spewed. They used my ass as a cum dump for hours, my body as a punching bag.

When they were finished with me, they spit in my face, tossed me an eight ball and the bartender told me to get my skanky ass out of his bar. Battered, filled with cum, bloody, sore, humiliated, I crawled outside to my car where I guess  I passed out. I woke up with WHORE written across my forehead in what appeared to be my blood. I knew that bar looked sketchy, but I needed a fix badly. At least I got it.

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