Every now and then I find that my previous victims come to visit me. But the thing is that none of them are living. Yes, I am talking about their ghost that appear to me in some kind of form. I am not terrified by them but turned on but their presence. They think by slamming doors, taking my scalp to dart it across the room, or even showing a ghostly figure of themselves will scare the shit of me … that just makes me want to fuck with them even more. Or perhaps the try to disrupt me from my work of doing autopsy on the dead and even when I am performing sinister medical experiments on the living. I will just teach them a lesson by snatching one of their family members or a loved one to prove my point. I don’t care if I invoke their rage where I make a person that id close to them as my next victim. It makes it quite interesting how they try to stop me in their actions and at the same time scary the one I am torturing. But hey, that is ok … since I don’t mind seeing all the faces of my victims. Alive or Dead.