The Early Years

hypnoWhen I first realized that nothing made me happier then serving the dark lord I had lots of work to do. I discovered early on that nothing made my pussy wetter then causing pain and reeking havoc. Perfecting the arts of black magic and offering sacrifices gave me purpose and satisfied my dark soul.
The early years of learning the craft took lots of study and practice to perfect. I had to learn spells and incantations and rituals and what we need to make these things successful. I practiced day and night in secret because my parents would have flipped if they knew what I was doing.
Finally I had grown and learned enough to begin hypnosis. I will never forget the day I came up with my plan to perfect the art. I would use my parents. It was perfect, I could practice and get stronger and in the end I could eliminate the two old fuckers and get away with it.
I started by sneaking into their room each night and playing subliminal messages encouraging them to want to have sex with me. I began dressing provocatively soon after in front of them and when they didn’t object but gave me that longing stare I knew it was working.
Soon I began making the suggestions in a veiled way during conversation molding their thoughts and making them mine.
Before long I had them both in my bed doing things I knew their vanilla christian asses would never do.
As my control over them increased they became more zombie like walking around with out a clue and doing exactly as I wanted. They willingly turned over their finances and signed the deeds to all real property over to me.
Finally the time had come, we were going tot take a trip to a cabin in the mountains. There they were going to do each other in while I watched, a murder suicide all choreographed by my hypnotic suggestion that would begin with S&M sadistic sex, cutting each other, beating and torturing each other and ending in a snuff scene created by my sick and twisted mind and designed for my pleasure.
When it was l over with I would turn on the gas stove and light a fire in the fire place leaving the accident to happen all on it’s own.
I will never forget the thrill of that day. It was the first taste of real power, real dark pleasure and I haven’t gone back since.karma4

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