The moon was high in the black night sky, a storm was brewing as I sat and watched the house. The widows were lit from within. Earlier, when no one was home, I had crept in and placed the cursed stone behind the sofa in the living room. Now I waited to see what mayhem would befall the house hold. Suddenly I heard the loud voices of fighting coming from inside. Then I saw the silhouette of the couple fighting. I could tell her hands were up in self defense and he was beating her. The screams brought the juices of excitement flowing down my legs. Suddenly I saw the splash of blood across the window and she fell limp. Sneaking in I crept to the window and watched him, on top of her, his face covered in her blood and his mouth full of her flesh. He was devouring her and I was standing there masturbating to the scene before me. Tomorrow I would remove the stone and place it in another house and wait to see how well it worked.