Tag: Young Voice Phone Sex

Portrait of Death

Portrait Of Death ~ NarcissusNarcosis

I will never forget the night
I first experienced the delight
of what it felt like
to take another human’s life..
I had fantasized nonstop
for a very long time
I knew no drug could top
the high I would find…

I spent the days leading up
carefully dissecting my plan
deciding how it would come to fruition
stalking out my first victim..
Still not sure why I picked him
maybe it was because he seemed
so set in doing good deeds.
And no good deed goes unpunished…

I tirelessly studied
his daily routines
even went to church
to watch him preach.
He would stand at his altar
babbling on and on about
hell, brimstone, and fire.
He talked about how demons walked the earth
to bring about the end.
If only he knew
the demon that would end him
was in the front row…

He had a beautiful wife
2 young  tykes and a dog
she would be a widow
weeping at an empty altar
and those brats would grow up
without a father.

I sharpened my blades well
different knives for different purposes
one for stabbing, one for slicing,
one for peeling skin
and a meat cleaver for dicing.
A bone saw to dismember
along with a small plastic case
to keep a trophy of him with me

He was a set-in-his-ways man
so I knew what he would be doing
we had a very nice date planned
no way it could be ruined.
I dressed in black fatigues
long-sleeve black shirt and black boots.
My tools were already in my car
as I left my house with a smile
didn’t have to drive far
he lived away only a few miles.

I drove to his house and parked
and waited for him to depart
just as expected, 8:29 PM
he said bye to the brats.

I followed him to the parking lot
of the Saturday night restaurant
he always went to
meeting friends at the I-HOP
for some self-righteous laughs and food.
He always parked at the side of the building
where I knew no cameras were filming
I crept behind him with a wire in my clutch
wrapped around his throat
until he ceased to choke
then dragged him to my trunk.
Once he was properly bound and gagged
we were off, on our way back to my pad.

He awoke wide-eyed with a look of fear
strapped to a table in the heart of my shed
I removed the tape so I could hear
him pray to a god that was already dead.
He asked me why I was doing this
and offered me money to let him go
said he had a family, had 2 brats
and I replied, “I already know.”

I took my time and had fun with him
wanted to see how much pain a body could withstand
I burned him with a torch and hammered his feet
and drove nails through his knees.
After such a short time, he could take no more
he kept passing out, he was such a bore…
I slit his throat and watched him bleed out
he almost looked like a pez dispenser..

After hours of cleaning up
any and all traces of blood
I placed his head neatly in a duffel bag
with a hole drilled through his skullcap.
I decided to play nice after all his work
and took him back to his very own church.
I used his keys to get in the back entrance
and placed his head on the altar
through the top was jammed a crucifix…
What a beautiful sight that would greet the Sunday crowd
I decided to go again to hear them scream aloud…

It all felt so right…
I knew I would be powerless to resist the urge
to kill again…
but this was only my first victim..
I had some great ideas and plans
to taunt the police
and let them know
something stronger than them
is taking over…

Caught in the Act

They say that the eyes are the window into the soul, but what if the eyes are completely black? I didn’t mean to make my daddy so angry, I really didn’t. It all happened so fast, first he was yelling and then I was yelling and the next thing i know his hands were wrapped around my throat and they were squeezing…hard. All I could see were my daddy’s eyes.  They were as black as midnight. He had caught me touching myself with a belt wrapped around my neck. As scarred as my daddy was making me, all I could think about was the way his fingers were working inside my dripping pussy. The combination of his rough fingers and his tight grip on my throat made me feel like I would explode at any moment! I was so scared, my daddy was squeezing my neck so hard I couldn’t breathe and then all at once stars exploded in my eyes and it was over. My daddy looked angry still, but he looked more disgusted than anything…he left my room without saying a thing.


Scared of the Dark


taboophonesexJuliet001   I’ve never really been scared of the dark before, but this was a new sort of darkness. It was only a blindfold, but it felt like I was trapped in a never ending pit of pure black. When the blindfold was finally removed though I think I preferred the endless black! I was in this dungeon that looked like something right out of a Medieval exhibit in a museum. As soon as I saw the contraption that my captors had planned to put me in I couldn’t help but to feel a bit aroused… the idea of being helpless and at these peoples mercy was exciting and dangerous and everything I could ask for in a fantasy. They strapped my wrists down onto what looked like a BIG stone slab and then they strapped my ankles as far apart as they would go to the ‘legs’ of the stone slab. For hours they whipped my back and fucked my little pussy with all sorts of things. Right as I came, someone hit me over the head with something hard, and the next thing I know I was in the dark again, but this time in my own bed… I guess the dark can yield scary and pleasurable things…


There’s something exhilarating about taking a razor blade to my wrist and slicing through the tender flesh. I fucking love to get off on rough sex. I fucking love self-mutilation because it makes me feel like I’m goddamn invincible. I’m always looking for a fight; tempt me, push me pussies . . . I need a good reason to give this trigger a good squeeze. I especially love torturing others. There’s nothing like the anguished screams of teens to fill a room with angst. Sexual mutilation is my favorite. Nothing beats the sickness. One time, I stitched a bitch’s pussy shut with a rusted sewing needle from my Mom’s old needlepointing kit in the garage. I used thick black yarn and beat her to the brink of death with a brick right in the head. I desperately kicked her ribs in and sewed her up like a puppet. She was so messed up by the time I started closing her holes up. No more dick in that little bitch, let me tell you. That sleazy ass whore wouldn’t be fucking anybody’s boyfriend anytime soon. Especially not MINE. That dumb little skank screamed like a banshee when I stitched her up, but the end result was fucking sick. I love my crazy mind . . . and you will too.

Maybe if I like you, I’ll show you a little bit of my mutilation magic using the slut of your choice. I’ll get a big ole knife or maybe a razor blade fresh from the shower, separated perfectly from the plastic handle and ready to slice deep. Then I’ll take her ass cheeks into my palms and give them a nice squeeze, getting them ready for my fun. We can always fuck her and fill her up with the thick white loads of creamy cum that mark a little whore, but we’ll need lots of spud. Get that hard cock and lube it up with her blood, baby. I’m going to make a nice pretty cut and carve my name . . . this stupid cunt will never forget who owns her ass. 

Rape phone sex fantasies Alice ~ do the dirty

I am not a law abiding citizen of America. I say this fully intending to disclose a little secret I’ve been keepin’ about my true self. Maybe I’m not a picture perfect version of the United States’ sweetheart, but I can make you cum harder then anyone has every made you orgasm in your life.

That’s because I know what you really want. The stuff you’re way too scared to tell your wife or girlfriend. The dirty, nasty, sickeningly dark and violating aspects of human life. You want to mess up a slut and fuck your way through an entire all girls Catholic school, don’t you?

Well, I can help you with that. See, I have a thing for babysitting little ones myself. I can get in undetected and let you in through the front door without a hint of suspicion from the neighbors. When we have those young little babies all to ourselves, that’s when the fun begins. You try to keep your hands to yourself, but those pigtails and cute little diapers are too much for you to resist. It’s okay . . . bite into those miniature asses. I won’t tell a soul. That’s because I’m just as twisted as you are, baby . . . even more.

Baby Cherries Bye-Bye

I love listening to babies scream! Have you ever broken a baby’s hymen? Well, it’s a lot of fun. I like to stick my fingers in their little diapers and feel around for those tiny cunny slits. When I find that wet baby hole, I make sure to peel apart those miniature pussy lips. So precious, tender, and fragile. So thrilling to fuck up! One of my drug dealers loves playing this game with me. He masturbates into a baby bottle and rubs his cock against the plastic container ’til his screwrod spills cum inside. Then I take the baby bottle filled with the guy’s spermy spud and bring it over to the house I’m babysitting at. When the younger brats are in bed, I spend a lot of time in the nursery. After all, such a small, defenseless baby can’t tell her mommy and daddy that I’m torturing her fuck holes. When the adults are away, the sitter will play! I doooo play. I shake that baby bottle full of adult man semen into that baby’s cunny hole and make sure to do it hard until she cries. I want to impregnate this little whining bitch some day. I know it’s hard to get young baby girls pregnant because they have to be ovulating, but it never hurts to try. Such a tiny little itty-bitty canal–I want to force my entire hand up there and split it apart someday.

Little Sister Needs Assfucking

My little sister is so fucking scared of ghosts, she pisses her pants whenever I “see” one. ;D I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to get out my ouija board and show the little bitch how Alice sets fires under asses. She was playing on the floor of the living room, two dolls in each hand. I snatched them away and told her to get undressed. Her eyes got so wide and started watering. I told her to do what I fucking told her to or I’d snap her dollies’ heads off. Little Jasmine did as she was told and began to strip off her little shorts and tank top set. When her soft little baby girl body was all exposed and naked, I grabbed her shed clothes, balled them up, and threw them in the fireplace so she couldn’t put them on again. Then I gave a sickeningly evil grin and got out the ouija board. “Cum play with me,” I told her, “it’s a fun game.” She was sad and frightened, but she’s used to me abusing her. She did what I told her to do because she knows what will happen if she doesn’t. When she put her hands on the planchette, I put mine on top. Then I asked if she was a dirty, sick little slut who needed to get a cock shoved up her tiny baby asshole. She started crying so hard; it made me smile even wider. Well, guess what, perv lovers? The spirit board said YES! ;D Who wants a turn first?

Mr. Self Destruct

“Mr Self Destruct”

I am the voice inside your head
and I control you
I am the lover in your bed
and I control you
I am the sex that you provide
and I control you
I am the hate you try to hide
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct
I speak religion’s message clear
and I control you
I am denial guilt and fear
and I control you
I am the prayers of the naive
and I control you
I am the lie that you believe
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct
I am the needle in your vein
and I control you
I am the high you can’t sustain
and I control you
I am the pusher I’m a whore
and I control you
I am the need you have for more
and I control you
I am the bullet in the gun
and I control you
I am the truth from which you run
and I control you
I am the silencing machine
and I control you
I am the end of all your dreams
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct

Making dreams come True

Marti was enjoying her big glass of wine. I was glad about that. It would be her last one. a few days prior, I paid a grand for the tasteless, odorless chemical mixed in with her Merlot. In about an hour, heightened physical activity would made it rush through her system. She would overload like a desktop with no surge protector in a lightning storm. Afterward, she’d be just as useless.

When I saw it starting to take hold I motioned for Ben to move in! This was his fantasy after all. The woman he has always loved and hated! His dream girl he wanted to fuck while she was dying. The drug made her so playable. And when he suggested they go to his room, She eagerly agreed. I followed and he left the door open for me. Ben knew the rules. I set it up and I wanted to have the full experience. I also wanted a front row seat.

Since she was wet and ready, Ben let himself in. Shoving his cock inside her. Steady, even strokes, just the way she liked it. When her cheeks showed that red flush, He did the upshift. Her legs spread wider, her fingers groped his back for dear life, something I found ironic. When she did that shimmy-shudder, I knew it was showtime. Go time. Eyes went wide. Mouth formed a perfect “O.” Insane spasms that vise-gripped on Ben’s rod for a few intense seconds. Of course he came when she locked down. Then slackness. Stillness. Green eyes fading while staring at some invisible apparition overhead.

Ben wanted to keep her body. That was all on him. My part was done. I gave him exactly what he wanted. I love it when a plan comes togethe

Highway 666

There’s a little place I know where the dead walk and roam . . . a place of evil that’s trapped inside the walls. Can you hear the groans? It’s sick. I want to know what’s underneath. I scratch at the antique paper coating the places I can’t go . . . slivers pierce my fingernails and rodents bite my ankles here. I want to escape. But it’s too late. Once you let it in, you have to stay inside. There’s no way out. You’re trapped here now. Look into my eyes. Do you see my soul? It’s black and aged . . . here, you should never go. I can’t stop manipulating. Every word out of my mouth is a lie belated, waiting. Waiting to sink my claws deep in you and drag you to the depths of all unholy creation. The world through a monster’s eye. There’s a cabin off the road on Highway 666. It’s a shack I go to sometimes when I’m in the mood for a little hunting and driving. Sometimes both at once–other times, I’m a patient little fuck. When it gets dark outside and the trees are swaying back and forth, I hear whispering in those hollow logs that echos through the weeping willows. The last time I was there, I could’ve sworn I saw a stupid bitch running around out there. It was about 2AM, and I decided to go see for myself. When I got out, I heard crying coming from all directions. “Come here honey,” I called out in a sweet-as-sugar voice, dripping with the kind of evil that grabs your ankles and twists around you. Squeezes the good outta you from the inside out. Takes it, destroys it, and leaves you dark and cold forever . . . I found the little twerp sitting underneath a big maple tree out in the woods around the cabin. I took her hair in my hands and looked deep into her eyes . . . She was shaking and shivering in fear–guess she didn’t like what stared back at her.