Tag: Young Voice Phone Sex


Taboo phone sex

Prissy bitches are afraid of bugs and shit. I love bugs, and spiders. Anything creepy crawly I love. I love feeling them all over my naked body, going in and out of me. I saved a roach one day at school. This preppy bitch tried to kill it. She called me a freak and said I was a nasty fucking roach lover. After that day I wanted to smash her like she did to all other roaches. After her cheer practice she was the last one to leave the school. I took the spark plugs out of her car and stabbed her tires. Poor princess had to fucking walk home. I figured she would take a short cut through the woods by the school. That was where I would make my move. I had my shotgun full of rock salt ready to fire at her chest. I wanted the bitch to go down, not to die. I dragged her home and into the shed where I keep all my friends.

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I cut off her clothes, and tied her up. I didn’t want her to hurt my friends when she woke up. After the bitch was tied up I went to work putting my friends all over her body. First was the maggots, then the roaches and finally my 8 legged freak. I loved the look on her face when she woke up. The bugs had worked their way inside of her cunt and her throat. I forced them into her ears. I wanted them to eat her. I fucked myself watching you squirming and listening to her scream. Then I heard a crunch. That fucking whore killed one of my friends. Now it was her turn to fucking die. My boots were nice and heavy, perfect to smash her fucking head like she smashed my friends. I was covered in her blood and brains. I let my friends eat on her for days. I fucking love feeding my friends. 

Violent phone sex

Snuff Porn; This Piggy Went To Market

I have been taking part in a rather tasty underground snuff porn market. I noticed that it was flooded with the kind of high quality flicks that I not only record but take part in as well. Lots of devious people travel to this market to get all kind of fun things they are looking for. That is when I  decided that it was missing a key element to make it so much better, an open slut market. This would be a place where all taboo phone sex lovers could find there little play things for acting out every last fantasy. Of course they would be able to find an accomplice if they needed one too. 

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I spend the next week compiling little tasty treats of every size, age, sex and color. That was when I realized that I had picked the perfect little piglet for my good friend Dr. Fell. She was about 20, and thick in all of the right places. I kept her drugged up and called him to let him know I had found the perfect surprise for him. I invited him down to admire the market that I had put together. He was very impressed with his with his little accomplice. When I showed him what I hunted down for him he was ecstatic. 

taboo phone sex

We took her home that night. Of course, with the drugs in her system she made the process a million times easier. Dr. Fell took time to unwrap his present and take a closer look at her. He took the shower head and began to spray her clean of all contaminants before taking her to the kitchen. She was so high she even held the bowl of oil on her plump belly so i could baste her properly. Dr. Fell stayed at my side talking to his thick meat telling her all she would be to him. 

Cannibalism phone sex

As we began to tie her arms to the pole she began to whimper as it was brought to reality that we were not playing. With one of us on either side we lifted her up and put her so she hovered over the open flame. She opened her mouth to let out a giant shriek when Dr.Fell placed an apple inside of her mouth making her silent. He placed a kiss on a forehead and thanked her one last time as we watched her roast over the open flames. The perfect me for Dr. Fell and I. 

Taboo phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

All I wanted to do it make him happy. He wanted to take me to a new level. A deeper darker level. All I remember is waking into his house and feeling the jolt of power hit my neck and now I am waking up tied up. Im in the bath tub and as I am looking around I see some of my hair in my lap. I start breathing heavy and freaking out because my hair is in my fucking lap!

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I try to sit up and I slip. I feel liquid splash and I look down at my feet. I see blood. I am in a pool of my own blood and hair. I start screaming and crying, I hear his soft voice saying “Hello” He opens the door and pops his head in and smiles his dark smile at me. He is here to take me closer to death. He is going to shave my head bald, He is going to bleed me out.

Snuff Porn Vids Sorority Hanging

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You know sometimes I come across a guy who is extra cruel in his torture tactics when creating snuff porn vids. He thinks all kinds of nasty thoughts while he is home with his wife. This guy is a professor at some collage. He is not really likes by the students, and is super pissed that none of them want to make any arrangements for grades with his cock either. We have come up with a solution after he contacted the queen of snuff porn. I was going to make my way into the sorority house that he loathed so much, one with all the little slutties that make fun of him and snicker when he teaches.
It was easy really. It did take a whole entire week of prep work to get ready for the festivities however. I had to become a summer pledge for the girls. These were some nasty ass bitches, loved giant cock in their cunts. Every time they laughed I could picture me stabbing each one of them in the side of the neck. When it was the night of the invasion he stormed in. We were all in our PJs, and I hopped up being handed a gun to shove in their little dumb faces.
We made them take of their panties and shoved them into their face hole. I shoved the barrel of my gun into one of the ring leader’s cunts. She cried as I violated he twat. It was already so stretched out, I did not see what the problem was. I made he dumb slut friend lick it clean again. He said he was ready to start making xxx snuff porn. I grabbed the ropes we had prepped already into nooses and wrapped one around each of their necks.
I watched as one by one the dumb bitches were strung up by their thin necks. I laughed as they kicked and tried to find the ground to stand on beneath their feet. They gagged and gasped for breath as one by one they all met their death. One dumb bitch shit her pants, emptying her bowls all over the floor. Another couple pissed themselves. The professor held his cock against their legs, switching from girl to girl. He stroked himself on them. He came all over their feet. We almost did not realize that one little twat waffle was left. I went up to her licking the side of her face before I slit her throat, blood spraying all over my face.

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Snuff Porn Man Beating

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Ya know, with the work that I do I have to keep myself in shape. I used to just jog, but know I do some mixed martial arts and gym conditioning. Nothing super major but enough to man handle the best of them. There was this guy at the guy who has been keeping his eye fixed on me real close. Kind of started to make me feel uncomfortable, which was hard to do. I could feel him follow behind me when I left the gym the other night. I don’t think he knew he was messing with one of the badest snuff porn lovin bitches anyone could find. I waited after turning a corner or two, where I knew he was following me.
Right as he rounded the corner I stuck my fist to his face. I knocked his dumb ass flat to the concrete. I grabbed him by the ankles and drug him to the car. After I threw him into the trunk I drove him back to my place for some taboo phone sex fun. I had that ass hole tied up to a chair when he woke up. His feet were in a bucket of water and I had jumper cable attacked to his nipples. I demanded he tell me what he wanted. The blibering idiot just kept crying, I could not understand a work he said. You know what that meant right? I attached them to the battery and let him rip. I laughed so hard as his body shook. I forgot to let go of the cables, nasty ass even shit his pants. Some guys just can’t handle their electricity. I went through the dead idiots pants and found not only his wallet but my own. Guess he was trying to return it. Oops!

taboo phone sex

Lets Play a new Game!

Teen rape pornThe bake sale was a pretty easy trap last time so I set it up again and this time caught multiple little bugs in my web. I even convinced them start hitting and fucking each other. They got into a fight after I took their clothes off and I made things a little more interesting by throwing a big sharp knife into the middle of their scuffle. Eventually I chose a favorite and pinned the other down so the little boy could have his way with the other little girl. I held her legs apart and egged him on to fuck her tiny cunt with his little erect cock and I eventually did them both in with that same knife I tossed into the mix earlier. It was something totally new that I had never considered doing before but actually having the little brats hurt each other gave me a rush and made me wet in a way I had never thought possible. 


Family comes first

snuff phone sex belleI am such a naughty girl that my family has always been there to make me behave. Today I was watching porn on my TV in the living room, thinking no one was home and touching my dripping wet pussy with my fingers. My Uncle Tom all of the sudden came from no where with a razor blade in hand and a stiff pole in his pants. He turned off the tv and stood in front of me,- now naked. He told me to sit up like a big girl and open my legs. He then took the razor blade and made little cuts along my aureoles. It burned! He then told me if I make even a sound he was going to punish me more. I couldn’t help but squeal as that blade cut my pale skin. He then grabbed my hair and through my face to the side of the couch bending me over to slap my pale ass with his belt until my skin wilted. He said that I can’t look at any man except for him. As he began to piss in my eyes. Oh ouch! I will always listen because I like the pain, blood, and ripped skin way too much, I can’t wait to be another persons victim.

Mother Goose Gore

taboo phone sex

I figured I would write my own book for little ones to read. A book that I could read to the little ass holes to scare them and watch the fear on their tiny little chubby faces. A way to torture them and make them fear their most beloved nursery rhymes. Oh how evil my laugh will be as they squeal at the horrid words I will sing to them. I hope you enjoy my devious collection, I know we will when we have fun with them together. Ha ha.

My version of 1,2 buckle my shoe;

1, 2 I am watching you

3, 4, gonna taste you whore

5, 6, Put your cunt on a stick

7, 8, Let you bake

9, 10 That’s your end.

The old lady who lived in a shoe

There was an old bitch who lived in a shoe
She bread lots of brats and she knew what to do;
sold them to men for money and let them cut off their heads;
The ones who lived, were tortured and beaten

Some of the ass holes were even eaten.

Im a little PGirl (Instead of teapot. HaHa)

Im a little Pgirl

Tiny and thin

When you come over

My knife goes right in

Lets have a good time

Help me out

Rip them open n’ tear their guts right out.

Wha Wha Little Bitch (should be bah bah black sheep)

Wha, Wha,

        Stupid Slut

Wanna Suck

          His Cock?

Yes please,

          Yes please,

Till my bellies full.

Knife to the kidney,

Tear open your ass

              Your about to

              Die you cunt

               Better hope

               You die fast

Ha, Ha

              Stupid slut

Still wanna

               Suck that cock?

I’ll take your silence

               That you have no guts to stuff. 

Daycare Fun

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I pass the time at the daycare just fantasizing about getting alone with the twenty or so little shits I have to watch every day. I just want to string them all together from the roof, Making a ladder of young naked bodies and turn them into a waterfall of blood after I gut them open. I can see a Christmas tree of their guts dangling from the ceiling but there’s no way I’d get away with slaughtering an entire school house of them, So I just wait for the individual jobs I get from unlucky parents in desperate need of someone to watch their shitty little ones while they go out and be fucking irresponsible like they always want to do. Giving the job to someone they don’t even know. So I just have to go to the bathroom during breaks and rub my wet cunt while thinking about it instead of actually doing it. What a disappointment. 

XXX Snuff Porn Desires

Torture sex

I love watching xxx snuff porn so much. I love sitting in front of my TV on the edge of my bed and watching bitches get their throats slit while their blood is used as lubricant for ass rape. I will watch different snuff films for hours. You know what I do while I am watching guys be castrated with chain saws in the public square? I am sitting there with my finger in my gooey cunny making myself squirt all over my floor for my mom to clean up.

I love it when they scream, the noise their voice makes when it is so raw from all that screaming. I miss bathing in the blood of my enemies and my list is down to the floor and out the door.

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I miss being the accomplice to little p cock fun. Chop up and feed them to my mother for dinner lol.

Her fat ass would eat them and never know anything different. I want to kidnap this perfect dumb ass whore from school named Erika and make my own little snuff film to watch over and over.

Take her to a private place with you and spread her perky ass cheeks wide while you ass rape her. We can make out to the soundtrack of her pathetic screams. Recoding it all we will make our own anal rape porn that others will wish they had. She will beg for us to stop while we knife he in the twat. She is so full of shit while she apologizes; let me spread her mouth so you can shit in there. Make her eat it just to prove a point. I am all wet just thinking about all the ways we are going to pluck this stupid bitches life from her body.

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