Tag: Torture phone sex

Bringing The Pain Just For You

Of course I love to fuck, that’s obvious. I use my body to manipulate and control and it’s never failed me yet. But, the main thing that gets my pussy dripping wet and aching is having a brainless, worthless little piece of flesh to use and torture to my heart’s content.

And even then, it’s not just that, it’s the entire deviant, twisted process is what really gets my sweet juices flowing. Together we spy just the right innocent little one to stalk, capture, fuck and torture as long and as we can until we finally use them up to our satisfaction and dispose of the lifeless creature.

And the best part of it is when we’ve finally have used up the pathetic tiny whore, we can simply rid ourselves of it and when we’re ready and the time is right we can find a brand new fresh sweet angel to defile. We’ll take them to depths of such horror and pain it makes the intensity of it almost like a drug and we lose ourselves in the dark erotic sensations.

The part that is so ironic is that the fucking stupid cunt actually looks to me for mercy and compassion just because I sound so sweet and can get those mindless little fucks to trust me wholeheartedly. Oh, but the look in their eyes when I tell them in my sweetest little voice that we’re going to do the most unspeakable, painful and wicked things to their unused bodies is priceless.

Mommy and Daddy don’t give a shit about them, I say and were so relieved when you and I took the tiny twat off their hands. You see, to me fucking with their minds is just as satisfying as fucking with their little cunts. Sometimes we can get so carried away, we just fuck each other right on top of the sniveling and traumatized doomed little thing.

I’m always so impressed with all the effort and imagination we use when thinking of ways to disfigure and carve up the tasty treat. When it’s all said and done, I love nothing more than to lie back and savor every deliciously gory and bloody detail with you and fantasize about just how far we can take it the next time…

Belly of the Beast

Castration phone sex1

It was time for the annual meeting of freaks; and, when I say “freaks,” I mean people who jack-off to the idea of being devoured. My personal problem with it is that it’s all a theatrical production; no one is really eaten. Why can’t they just commit to being eaten by a cannibal. Anyway, this year’s theme was “In the belly of the snake.” A gigantic snake was created and the attendees were going to be able to be swallowed and digested by the monster; and, better yet, the attendees were supposed to dress as biblical figures. Now, this is the type of irony that I could appreciate.

I waited until mid-morning and set out to the studio; the crowd wouldn’t form yet until afternoon. But, there were a few stragglers; and all I had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity. They presented themselves fairly quickly: they were a young college couple. But, they were dressed as Jesus and Mary Magdalene; and, well, that was just too sweet to resist.

The admissions clerk took their money and then sat squarely behind a garbage can to finish smoking his rock. I snuck in easily; I had placed a couple of cameras in the large constructed snake and I could track their every move. Laughter and awe gave away to eroticism as they began to make their way down the intestines. By the time I reached them, they were mutually masturbating underneath their clothes and yelling, “Eat me. Yeah, monster, eat our deliciously sinful bodies.” I almost laughed.

Castration phone sex2

When I approached, I slid a blade quickly into the male and I told the female that he had, indeed, been eaten. Thinking that I was part of the production, she cried out to be eaten, too. She remained docile but excited as I tied her with rope and gave her some bullshit about being constricted in the snake’s belly. Then, she noticed that her companion hadn’t moved and there was a little bit of blood leaking beneath him. She began to scream; and I was a little glad that she was finally recognizing her dire situation.

I slit her belly open, carving out a large portion of flesh from her breasts to her torso. She bled out fairly quickly, but not before she saw me hack into her friend and place his decapitated head inside of her. And, as a last touch, I chopped off his cock and put it in her mouth. I staged them for the next visitors and pitied myself that I hadn’t brought some kind of manger and doll with me; but, I was proud of my work and took a quick photo.

Swallow Me Alive

taboo phone sex vore fantasy

When I was a younger girl, I would sit on my daddy’s lap and watch movies like Jaws and Anaconda. I belonged to my daddy. He owned me. Instead of reading me books like Goodnight Moon, we would watch torture porn and horror movies.  I would get aroused watching  Jaws  swallow men whole. When Anaconda came out, I would masturbate furiously to it. Something so arousing about the idea of being eaten alive, actually swallowed hole and forced to live inside someone or some thing’s body. My daddy told me I was the not the only one with vore fantasies. He had often jacked off to the thought of swallowing his baby girl alive. That image has been spank material for me for years. First, I want to be out in the wild, hunted like prey by a ravenous mutant snake. I’m scared and hiding, but its keen senses and stealth hunting tactics prove to be out of my skill league.  It finds me, and paralyzes me with its toxic saliva.  I can’t move, can’t scream. I’m totally helpless. It’s huge mouth opens up and  this mutant snake devours me inch by inch, swallowing me  whole while my daddy watches and masturbates like the sick fuck he is.  I’m sliding slowly into the belly of the beast. Unable to see or move, alone with my thoughts; forced to be inside his belly for years before he digests me or regurgitates my remains. The thought of languishing a slow death inside the belly of a beast soaks my pretty pink cunt.

I have a master who finds the thought of devouring me hot. He doesn’t want to eat me, just swallow me  in my entirety. We role play this often. He kneels behind me, with his mouth open wide and my ass goes in his mouth first until he can fold my body like lawn chair and swallow me whole. Of course, as he devours me, his cock is rock hard and he has to stroke it as he feels his belly expanding from having consumed another living human being.

I’m no vanilla girl. I have no desire to be your phone GFE. I want to be your sick, twisted taboo phone sex whore. What wicked, morbid fantasies do you have in mind for us? Would you like to devour me perhaps? accomplice phone sex taboo fetish

Stalking Blair

Fantasy phone sex Blair

She was at the local coffee shop on her way to the next-door bakery. She had luscious red curls and thick, juicy thighs. She was the perfect body type for one of my cannibal friends, but she was a little older than co-ed age; regardless, she provided the perfect opportunity to hone stalking skills. Her day patterns were easy and consistent.  But, her night patterns were changing. She cautiously made her way to an abandoned building; her car and two more were hidden in the brush of the dilapidated building. Any stalker’s footsteps would be barely audible because of the echoing of their voices and their own movements along the creaky floor.

Around the corner, her bare, porcelain rump was in the air. She was gagged and both men stood on opposite sides of her. They began ridiculing her for being so fat, so plump; and, they yelled obscenities at her for being a whore who was about to receive her just desserts.  She seemed to be begging for her release, but she wasn’t very convincing. The little whore was enjoying the scene, which was apparent as one of the guys mocked her sloppy wet cunt. One of the other men took off the gag and slapped her face, instructing her to beg for them to fuck all of her nasty holes. One pulled her head back by her hair and grunted, “It’s not like your fantasy, is it, pussycat?!” She began to cry but she was enjoying it all.

One man shoved the handle of a hammer inside her cunt and then proceeded to force his cock inside her asshole. The other man placed a contraption in her mouth that kept her teeth spread open and he pushed his cock inside her mouth. “Don’t bite me, or you’ll be sorry, bitch.” She nodded. After the men were through shooting their cum on her, they whipped her and kicked her. She struggled to get up after they left; she was bloodied, bruised, and saturated with cum.  This little cunt had some wicked fantasies that she was exploring; and, anyone who watched the scene would’ve wondered how far she would go to have those desires satiated.

Killer Phone Sex with Blair: The Legend of the Hook Man

taboo phone sex mutiliation bloody

My best friend called me to tell me she had heard a news flash about an escaped mental patient from the nearby insane asylum. According to the news, he has a hook for one of his hands and is considered unstable and highly dangerous. He had been in Briarwood for 40 years for killing young couples being naughty in cars on lookout point. I told Sherri that was pure urban legend and she had just been punked by someone. I insisted I was fine and not scared. I was not going to let some silly practical joker prevent me from a hot date with my youngest son. I was driving out to our local lovers’ lane to meet him. My husband is home so we can’t fuck in my bed tonight; we were both so horny we decided to fuck in our town’s little lovers’ lane area under the moonlight.

I get there early and he is not there yet, which is odd. He is usually waiting for me naked. I try to text him, but I have no cell reception. Suddenly, I hear a loud thumping on the roof of my car. I’m thinking, my son is trying to scare me. I get out the car, and I’m horrified to see a man with a hook, sitting on the roof of my car with what appears to be a severed head. I scream and start to run, but he throws the head at me, knocking me down. Oh my god, the head belongs to my baby boy. I’m in shock, crying hysterically. I even vomit. I try to get up, when I feel this intense pain in my back and blood trickling down my spine. I’ve been impaled with the hook and this mad man is dragging me through the mud and grass like a dead deer. I can barely move the pain is unbearable. As he is dragging me, my flesh is getting ripped from my body; I’m starting to choke on my own blood; and I’m getting cut further by rocks and glass on the ground. I start praying I will die soon; and be with my lover, my son.

But, no; I am not as lucky as my son to be dead. This crazed hook man drags me into a little cabin hidden in the woods and ties me to a rack. Already bleeding and near death, he begins to taunt me with his nasty hook. He never says a word to me, but scrapes his hook on the wall creating a horrible sound. I actually peed on myself because I was that scared. He is impervious to my screams, my pleas, my tears. I can’t get him to release me, or tell me why? Suddenly, he leaves the room and for a moment and I think I reached him; he is gonna spare my life. No.  He comes right back with some torture device, flips me over this saw horse looking thing and starts anally torturing me. Then he starts cutting me with his hook. The pain was unbearable. I kept coming in and out of consciousness. Then, the coup d’état; he shoves the hook up my pussy, turning it as he shoved it in me deeper and deeper. He is scraping my insides, gutting me like a pig through my pussy and ass. I lay there like an animal just killed; bleeding on the floor, feeling my insides pool on the ground below me, gasping for my last breath, dying a slow and painful death.

I should have listened to my best friend. The Hook Man is real, so very very real….killer phone sex torture murder

Torture Phone Sex: Burn Cassandra Burn

torture phone sex submissive pain whoreI have been a pain slut for as long as I can remember. I started young as a cutter, and then graduated to more extreme measures as I grew older. But something I have never been able to handle is fire of any sorts. I have this new master who smokes cigars. Very high end Cuban stogies he gets from Canada. Well he left me alone for a little while this morning and I couldn’t help myself, I had to try one of his cigars. I mean a Cuban cigar is illegal in the US because of some stupid embargo. OMG, it was smooth with such a full bodied taste. I can see why they are coveted and smuggled into the country. Well I got lost puffing on that Havana and masturbating because it tasted so good. I look up and Master is in the door way livid. He lunged at me, grabbed my throat and threw me on the ground. He started kicking me and spitting on me and called me a worthless thieving whore. I tried to apologize; saying a Cuban cigar is something I was always curious about. That was not the right thing to say. He made me get back up on the bed and take the stogie and smoke it the other way. I had to put my lips and puff on the glowing embers. My lips, my tongue were burning; I could smell the flesh, feel the pain. As I was starting to cry, he made me deep throat that lit stogie like a cock. It burned the back of my throat. I could feel the fire in my mouth; I began choking on the blood and the flesh that was melting in my mouth, when Master ordered me to swallow it. I shook my head, tears in my eyes, blood running out my mouth, gagging on the smell of seared flesh, when he slapped me so hard, I swallowed the burning cigar. The pain was inconceivable. I could feel the burning sensation traveling down my esophagus. The smell of my burnt flesh was waffling through my nose. I thought I was going to vomit. My stomach was on fire. I could almost see a hellfire glow through my belly.

I thought he was done torturing me, but said the fun had just begun. I was a dirty stupid cunt who couldn’t keep her hands to herself and needed to be taught a lesson. I was laying there sick, and in so much pain, when he came at me with a big fat lit stogie and started burning the word thief across my breasts. I was being branded, slowly and painfully so I would never forget what happens to thieves. I knew better than to cry or beg for mercy. But it was hard to not scream as my flesh was melting off my body. He had more in store for me too. He tied my burning body up over the bed and double penetrated me with burning cigars. I have had a lot of things in my ass and cunt but never a lit stogie. My ass and pussy were branded for life. I could feel my insides melting and burning. My skin was scorched from head to toe. It was a sweet, acrid, lingers in-your-nose-forever charcoal smell. It’s a smell so strong that I could taste it. The smell and taste of my own charred flesh was the worse smell ever.

There was not an orifice or area of flesh my Master did not burn me with a stogie to teach me a lesson. My pretty alabaster skin is forever ruined. I am scarred for life and will forever carry the singe marks of shame for smoking my Master’s Cuban cigar. Yet somehow, through the horrible pain, I was aroused. Maybe, you would like to be my new Master? Find some painful, degrading way to arouse me? My pain, as always, is my Master’s pleasure.

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Teenage Hide

Torture phone sex

I was visiting a friend who has his own farm of sorts; he keeps a cage of young girls for his sexual pleasure…usually three at a time. But, the ones that he had were getting a little too old and starting to menstruate. We were having a beer and fantasizing about what to do with them. I told him that we should round them up like the cattle they were; he was so intrigued with the idea that he got up and began setting the plan in motion. He came back from the shed with two cattle prods and explained how to use them: clench the handle to ignite the iron at the end. At sunset, he rolled the cages out into a small gated area and released the girls. They ran in the dark, falling down on each other, as we laughed at their pathetic attempts to change their fate. One even tried to crawl over the fence but she was too weak and collapsed, spraining her ankle. We joined in the fun, poking them with the prods; I caught one in the buttock and held it for long enough to sear her flesh. I got tired of hearing the one girl with a sprained ankle sobbing; so, I took the prod and jammed it into her throat. Blood spurted everywhere, but she was finally quiet. I kept ramming the metal tip into her body and watching the coal-like tip of the prod gleam. I looked over at my friend who was sadistically laughing as he jammed the prod inside the girl’s pussy, blood dripping down her legs. His hand was around her throat while he kept the other girl on the ground by pressing his boot to her throat while she watched her friend. “That’s what you get for growing up, you stupid heifer!” he grunted at her and sent the last thrust that killed the bitch. As one last hurrah, he made the last girl suck his cock; I noticed that she had her teeth removed and he explained he hated to be bitten anywhere. Then, I had the pleasure of beating the girl while she gummed and sucked his dick; she was probably thinking she would survive if she did a good job. What an idiot! I put down the prod and chose a nearby whip. I lashed at her back and buttocks; I loved watching her wince as she tried to maintain sucking my friend’s cock. When he shot his load all over her face, he pulled her up by the hair and slit her throat. We dumped their bodies in the creek because we thought it was fitting, confident that the wildlife would finish the job we had started; but we took a few pieces of their hide to make into blankets.

Blood Whore Seeks Cunt to Fuck

Accomplice phone sex

People often ask me if I get horny; and, yes, I fucking do. But, it’s especially difficult to find lovers that meet my standards. But, someone has recently caught my attention: her name is Natasha. She’s got a foul mouth and a smart-ass attitude; she actually reminds me a little of myself. But, how to snare her for my own pleasure? Luckily, the opportunity presented itself after a little bit of stalking. I noticed that she had a contentious relationship with the waitress of a diner that she frequented in the evening; and, this time, she was alone. I wondered what exactly she had planned; but, I laughed at myself…of course, she was up to something devious. She was watching the waitress with as much interest as I was gauging her reactions; her long luscious limbs were only overshadowed by those plump lips and dark eyes. I loved the shape of her thighs, and I could easily imagine them locked around my neck.

I slipped, maybe it was on purpose; but, I stared at her for too long without looking away and she caught me. She analyzed me from my black leather boots to my porcelain cheekbones several times; and, when our eyes met, she had a smile on those lovely lips of hers. If the darkness wasn’t so deep within her or she wasn’t so damn perfect, I know that I would have killed her. But, no, I wanted to enjoy her and maybe even wreck havoc with her. My cunt ached as I thought about dismembering that waitress for her and then her thanking me with passionate kisses. As my pussy quivered, she approached me. She was silent, but we didn’t need words; when she did open her mouth, she said, “What do you think about her?” A nod to the waitress only confirmed everything that I already thought. I told her that the diner would be closing soon and she would leave early, leaving the cleaning to the boy in the back. She smiled; now, she knew that I was privy to the routines in the diner, too.

Accomplice sex Natasha
We struck up a conversation with the waitress, which was easy enough; and, then, Natasha asked her if she’d like to smoke some rock. Natasha flashed the drugs in a baggy that was in her pocket. The waitress’s habit had slipped my attention, but not Natasha’s; I was beginning to admire her for more than her looks and smart mouth. Natasha flashed an evil grin at me as we left and went to a nearby empty warehouse. We used twine to bind the waitress and then took turns slicing her; we fed off of each other’s lust for blood. While I was admiring our cuts and the indentions of the twine that had almost cut off her wrist,

Natasha pushed her warm body next to mine. “You want my pussy, don’t you, you blood whore?” She didn’t need an answer because I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her, her tongue soft and as wet as I imagined both of our pussies were. We tore off each other’s clothes and tossed them away from the bloody scene and then rolled in the dumb cunt’s blood as we fucked each other senseless. Her pussy juices coated my fingers and lips and mixed with my own; the stench of blood and our cum mingled in the air and fueled our desire. I pumped her pussy, wanting her smell to stay on my fingers all day long and wanting to hurt her…just a little. Then, we both struggled to stand, our bodies weary from sex and the killing; I watched her ass as she walked away with extra gusto because she knew I was watching. I licked my knuckles and knew that I wouldn’t mind seeing that little vixen again.

Accomplice phone sex waitress

Cunt Lashes

He came back today. Just by the walk he walked, the way he talked and the way he looked…I knew I was in for one hell of an evening. I’ve been scared a lot by him, since he’s had me here. But the feeling I was getting today, it felt like it was the last bit of my hope being sucked out of my soul. The lights were still off and all you could see what the lights from up the stairs. I laid there and pretended to be a sleep. Held my breath and prayed he’d change his mind, to just walk away. In a swift movement I was being snatched out of the bed, slung against the wall. He hit me in my mouth and all I could taste was blood. I fell to my knees trying not to give him the satisfaction he wanted and craved. I tried to hold in my whimpers as he kicked me, in the stomach and legs. With each blow my head would hit the wall behind me. All I hear is my chain rattling. My head getting heavy, I shout out, “Please… Please stop..” No response just heavy breathing.  He grabbed me by my hair and stood me up. Tied my hands above me and unchained my ankles. Placing my legs in locks drilled into the wall, I was spread eagle standing up. “You’ve been extra naughty today Monetta.” He says with an evil grin on his face. I know I haven’t been bad; I’ve been extra good and done all he’s asked but he’s in one of those moods. Nothing I say will change anything only makes it worse. He goes to the closet and pulls out his favorite whip. That horrifying look is still on his face as he makes his way back to me. He starts whipping my across my small tits; five times, ten and finally twenty. My throat is dry and hurting from my yelling.


By now I can’t stop the tears. He’s laughing at my pain unlocks and unties me and drags me to the bed by my hair. He throws me on the bed and informs me that I am to legs up and apart while he continues my punishment. If I do not listen and be a good girl he will make me regret it. I always do as I am told. Whip!! One lash and I’m screaming! “Please no, I can’t take it! That hurts too bad!!.” I yell, with my legs still spread open. With anger in his voice he tells me, “You hold your legs open so I can see that cunt. You will count even lash. You will thank me and you will beg me for more, beg for it harder!!!.” Barely a whisper, “Yes sir.” WHIP!! Another lash. The pain, it hurts so bad. “Two, thank you sir, please whip me harder!” Whip! Whip! Whip! I feel like I am going in and out. I’m trying my hardest to keep my legs open so he has access to my cunt. My legs are shaking. I feel like I can’t take it anymore. I just wish he’d stop. WHIP! WHIP! I can’t take it anymore. It hurts too bad.

rape phone sex fantasies monetta.jpg


I just need to close my legs. Hide my aching  pussy. My legs close and sit up, crying. I can feel the air tense. His anger growing, “What were the rules? What did I tell you, you stupid slut? You don’t want to listen. Now you will pay for not listening to me.” He shouts at me. He climbs on the bed and shoves me down flat. He’s holding me down by my shoulders as he spreading my legs to get between them. I try to put up as much of a fight as I can, but I know its pointless, useless, he always gets his way. Next thing I know he’s shoving his hard, thick fuckrod deep inside my sore, swollen bruised cunt. Screaming in pain, wishing he’d get off. It hurts so much worse. He has all his body weight on me and I can’t move. I hear his grunting and heavy breaths in my ear. He’s pounding harder and faster. Going deeper. Please, I hope he stops soon. The pain is growing, its burning. I can’t breath… Just make it stop…I’m fading in and out. Pump after pump. Everything goes dark. I wake up to a throbbing cunt and master chaining me back to the bed. As he turns and starts walking to the door I hear him laughing. Tears falling  and he say rest up pet. Next time will be so much more fun.


rape phone sex fantasiesmonetta.jpg

Substitute Teacher

Roleplay phone sex1

My teenage niece had been crying over this boy for a couple of weeks; then, she got angry, which made me proud. I’ve never understood why anyone would rely on someone else for their happiness. The woodshop teacher, a friend of mine, asked the turd to return to school later that evening to finish up a project for extra credit. Of course, when he got there, I was there…with one of my most sadistic friends. The shit-head flirted with me, even though I told him that I was a substitute teacher. And, I was going to teach him something alright…
We pressed his fingers directly on the sanding machine. As he yelled out in pain, I told him, “You deserve much worse. In fact, if I could kill you multiple times, I would.” I pushed his blonde curls next to the machine next and watched the blood spurt all over my goggles. It is always amazing how much blood is in the head. My friend, whom I love for his twisted sense of humor, was drilling holes in each one of the young boy’s toes. We nailed him to one of the bookshelves that someone was making; then, we used the electric nail gun on him; we laughed, counting double points for stapling anywhere he was bloodied or bruised. Using sandpaper and a file, we ridded him of what remained of his nipples so there were gaping holes in his chest. He was losing consciousness, so we had only a few more minutes. We used a file to carve out his abdomen and take out his intestines…stringing them along the bookcase. The finishing touches, of course, were mine: I chopped off his cock and shoved it into his mouth. I thought it was all poetic. I delighted in taking pictures for the photography class and draped them all over the adjacent room.