Tag: Torture phone sex

Venus’s Backyard BBQ Secrets

accomplice phone sex kinfe playThis is my favorite time of the year. Why? Because it’s BBQ season. I spend the winter capturing fine specimens that I cage and feed, so I may feast on them in May, national BBQ month. You have not had  truly down home cooking  until you have attended one of my backyard barbecues, which I have daily in May for very special guests. I serve only the finest meat around. The key to a good barbecue is preparation and patience. I have many recipes and I like to share my secrets.

On today’s menu. Pineapple Penny Pig Roast. First, you need a stupid drunk coed who can’t find her way home. Luckily, they are everywhere. Then you need to have  a doctor check her out, make sure she is healthy, in good shape, free from disease. More often than not you will need to fatten her up. Why do young girls think they can live on carrots and beer? I am fond of high caloric protein shakes daily for months. Can easily add 25 yummy pounds to any pig. A key component to preparation is restoring the body back to its natural state. Cut out silicon breasts. Remove the chemicals and dyes from hair.  Bathe pig daily in a sugar scrub to sweeten and soften her skin. Takes time to prepare a pig for a BBQ, so be patient.

cannibaism phone sex killer sex A few days before the BBQ, the entire pig must be marinated or brined  or certain parts will taste rather bland. I am particularly fond of brining.  A nice apple cider brine enhances pork’s natural flavor. To add even more flavor, you can add an abundance of herbs, onions, pineapple, oranges even hot peppers to the brine solution. I brine my pigs for at least 24 hour. My entire house smells delicious right now. I spent last night injecting the thickest parts of Penny’s meat like the rump and the thighs with my brine solution to insure my guests get flavored meat on more than just the surface cuts. Even the deepest cuts of flesh will taste yummy if you follow my suggestions. Some guests just love to devour flavor infused internal organs, so do not just baste the outside. Make sure you inject the brine or marinade into the thickest parts of meat for the best all around flavoring.

I take pride in my BBQ meat. I don’t just slap some meat on a stick and call it a day. Once my piggy is brined or marinated well, I pay careful attention to trussing. Proper trussing of the  pig to the rotisserie spit is the key to perfectly cooked meat.  My pigs are fairly large, so the spit needs to go between the thighs, along the inside of the body, just under the spine and out through the mouth. Since the spit is not impaling the meat down the center, it is not necessarily secured to the spit. To prevent flesh from falling off the bone into the fire, heavy duty kitchen twine can be used to secure the spine to the spit about every  6 inches along the length of the meat. The hips, thighs and legs should be trussed securely to hold them tight against each other and the spit. Repeat this procedure for the head and shoulders. Wiggle room in your pig is bad. You want the body to be one with the spit, so when turning it over the open flame, all the flesh cooks evenly.

killer phone sex cannibal pornYou cannot rush the cooking of your pig. I am fond of an open fire pit, about 250 degrees, slowly turning for about 24 hours so the skin does not burn or become too tough to chew. For the best results, your pig should be alive while turning her on the rotisserie spit. It’s bonus for you to hear the life cooked out of your pig. Nothing gets me wetter than hearing flesh crackle. and spit while the pig screams in pain. Once your pig is cooked, served it up with some beans and corn bread and you have yourself a yummy backyard BBQ.

Are you a fan of fresh BBQ? Perhaps we can exchange recipes, tricks of the trade, hunting tips…. Maybe we can even have a pig roast together? I find cooking together a sexy bonding experience.

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Accomplice phone sex

Roleplay phone sex

We warned you. Told you that you were going to be so addicted that you would never be able to stop. Highly inappropriate addiction at that. It certainly isn’t grown women that make that cock hard, is it? So, here you are, parked in your car. What is it that you are looking at? They certainly aren’t very tall. Don’t you love the way the mommies are all so wrapped up in their phones, tablets, readers, etc? Leaves a whole lot of opportunity for someone like you.

Sitting there in your car. Oh look, that cock is rock hard you pervert. Looking at them in their swimming suits; others in their skirts and short tops. Certainly don’t leave much to the imagination anymore do they, perv? The question is, is this where it’s going to stop? Come on, say yes, try to convince yourself that this is just as far as you sick, pathetic self is going to go.

How far will you go this time? Will you stop or make her see angels? 

Torture Sex The Medieval Way

torture sex bloody funI have a special friend, John. He gets me. Understands my needs; my love for sexual torture. He invited me up to his cabin for the weekend for a romantic getaway. When I arrived, he had a surprise for me. A fuck nugget he picked up along the road. Just a stupid little cunt hitch hiker who would never be missed. She was tied up naked on the floor in front of the fireplace wrapped in a red bow. The perfect present. “Check out the basement, my love,” he cooed to me. What was in the basement was beyond my wettest dream.  An old fashioned torture chamber. I got wet looking at all the instruments at my disposal to sexually torture this twat.

I grabbed an old fashioned cattle prod to start the fun.  I was giddy like a school girl when I zapped her ass with it for the first time. She fell forward, pissed the floor and started crying. “This is soooooo fun,” I said with glee to John as I shoved it up her cunt this time. Watching her twitch and convulse really turned me on. I let John play with it too. Torturing a worthless whore is a relationship bonding experience. We shocked her so much, I could smell her burning flesh.  Nothing better than the smell of burnt cunt lips. Well maybe the smell of a once pink asshole!  I even used the prod on her tits. Pretty much seared her nipples clear off. I fed them to her for shits and giggles.

torture phone sex anal tortureWhile she laid in a pool of her own piss and vomit, I fucked John’s brains out. The sight of her curled up in fetal position, soaking in her own waste, crying, smelling like a pig roast, made me horny. But getting pumped full of cum, just made me want to hurt her more. Hurt her dead. I grabbed her by the hair, dragged her burnt carcass down the basement steps, and tossed her on the rack. John purchased all this medieval torture stuff to give me a sexual torture chamber. Now that is love. I tied her to the rack and started cranking it, slowly. Her screams made me orgasmic. Hearing and seeing the flesh pull, bones snap, blood spurt… was intoxicating. John bent me over the rack and fucked me from behind as her limbs snapped like twigs. Legs severed,  arms severed, head popped right off her body. We were getting doused in her blood as we fucked. Do you have any fucking clue how hot that is?

I went too fast with her. I get impulsive sometimes. I like to torture for days not hours, but I was just like a fat brat in a candy store, no impulse control. There’s still so much more for me to try out in my torture chamber. John assured me he would go snag me up another victim after dinner. Couples who slay together, stay together. If you are not as lucky to have an accomplice in your life as I am, let me be your sadistic bitch helper. Death and dismemberment is a dish best served for two.

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Torture sex and hardcore rape porn fantasies

torture sexOh my favorite of all… the forced, the unwilling… the hardcore rape porn fantasies. Let’s make that fantasy come true now shall we? There’s no time to waste, she’ll be out of class soon. She is so dumb, always walking alone on these deserted streets almost every night! She won’t be making it home tonight… no she won’t be turning in her homework – ever. This will be easy, I won’t even have to sneak up on her… these girls always think because I’m a female I’m harmless, but we all know it’s quite the contrary. She will only need a whiff of this cloth or maybe I’ll feel more violent and hit her just right on the back of the head. She’ll be down in seconds without any struggle at all. Oh, but she’ll struggle later when she awakes rest assured. She’ll wake up all tied up, naked and completely exposed. She’ll try to scream but I’ve already got something stuffed in there…not your cock just yet. She will begin to cry and pull against her ties but she isn’t going anywhere. This body is so fresh, so innocent and untouched. I’ve landed us a virgin…mmm as rare as a unicorn. It might take some physical force but soon she will be obedient and our dream sex slave. I’ll soon have her begging to be fucked, begging for your cock, begging to cum and begging to taste my pussy. But for now she must be forced. She’ll try to push away as you shove and force your cock into that tight little pussy, she’ll cry as she bleeds, but she won’t be able to resist the way it feels as you fill her all up with your hot sticky cum. And what better way to end this then to have her suck your cock clean of her blood, her cum, and your cum? Ahh yes, and this is just the beginning…

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The Notebook and Torture Sex

torture sex killer knife playTorture Sex makes me wet. Ever since I was a young girl watching slasher and horror films I knew that I would never be a Nicolas Sparks kind of chick. In fact, his movies, like “The Notebook,” make me homicidal. I lost a bet when that movie came out. I was just a teen school girl then, a goth girl with few friends, much like today. After the movie, I wanted to punch kittens and stuff, but I like animals way too much, so I took my aggression out on some pussy instead. There was this insipid girl sitting behind me in the theater. Perfect hair; perfect nails; perfect boyfriend; perfect bitch.

I followed her after the show, until I knew she was alone. Drugged her with some chloroform, dragged her back to my place, threw her in the basement and waited for her to wake up to play. I had her naked on a table, bright lights blinding her. I had my own private torture chamber. I still do, just now it has grown, become even a darker, more twisted place. I affixed mouse traps to her pussy lips and pulled them as far to the side as I could.  I had fun sticking hat pins in her clit; fucking her with metal rods; burning her cunt with cigarettes…. The best was jabbing her uterus with an ice pick. To say it made me hot to ruin her girl parts would be a gross understatement.  I was wet, but I wanted to get off harder. I put a chain around her neck and rigged it so there would be a chain hook attached to her worthless pussy too.Mutilation phone sex torture pornAs I hoisted her in the air, the chain pulled and tugged at her clit, eventually yanked it right off. Blood spurted from a hole that was once associated with pleasure. Her screams, her tears, her blood got me so wet that I had to touch myself. I came so hard knowing I had mutilated her junk. The more she pleaded and begged and asked why, the harder I rubbed myself.  I even squirted on her. When I let her down, her pussy was so mangled it looked like raw hamburger meat.  I wore a mask and with the lights, I knew she could never identify me. I resisted the urge to snuff her out. I left her alone on the table sobbing in pain and fear for a few minutes. I returned with my sewing kit and a rat. Her pussy was gaping open so I shoved the rat deep inside her, then stitched her worthless cunt up so the rodent would gnaw and scratch its way out.

I tossed her naked, tortured body along the highway then went home to do my schoolwork. The next day I got off again reading about the random act of violence against a local socialite in the newspaper. This was my first foray into torture sex, but certainly not my last. Bonus, now every time someone mentions that awful movie “The Notebook”, I get wet remembering my first torture sex. Not enough to make me endure it again, however.

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Isn’t torture sex fun?

torture sex“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” I demanded to my most current victim. They didn’t know how to answer I suppose, they were so fuckin scared of what I was going to do to them. This couple had no idea the amount of torture they were about to go through. No idea the amount of pain I was about to cause them. And you know why I chose them? No fuckin reason in particular. Just didn’t like his cocky attitude or the slutty bitch trying to get attention every chance she could. Well now they’re about to face their consequences on being the dumbest motherfuckers ever.  It was TOO easy to lure them here. I approached them and told them I had some cool shit for sale at my house, for super cheap and they didn’t even question me, they came right the fuck over. Didn’t even have to restrain them until Mr.Cocky-Pants thought he was gonna become Mr.Tough-Guy and escape. Ha! Like I said, who do you think you are? Once I have you here, you don’t leave alive. You leave in pieces. Or in my stomach, digesting as my next meal. I had some anger towards these fucks but first wanted him to witness the pain his precious girlfriend was about to receive. She was forced to fuck the biggest black cocks I could find, forced to suck their dicks and beg for their cum. I smiled as she took it all with little whining – what a good little slut. Her man was yelling the whole time so I shut him up real quick and cut off his tongue. After she was fucked useless she assumed she was done, but I assured her that she was still the center of attention just how she liked it. That’s when I forced her little boyfriend to watch me torture her in ways that made her painful screams embed into his very soul. Oh yes, isn’t torture sex fun?

The Only Good Sex Is Torture Sex

Torture sexThe minute I saw her I was in lust.  I have never in My life had seen someone so perfect.  Beautiful face, beautiful body, beautiful smile.  I was captivated by her.  I watched her for a very long time.  Many a man approached her, she was kind in turning them down.  She showed them the ring on her finger and said no thank you.  I sat back to take in the pure grace of this stunning creature.  I decided nothing ventured nothing gained.  I walked up to the bar, touched her on her smooth shoulder as I leaned over her to order another drink.  She smiled at Me, I smiled back.  She said, “You have beautiful hair.”  I said, “You have a beautiful everything from what I can see.”  She blushed. As I was leaving her side to return to My table I added, “I would love to see a lot more if you feel like doing something a bit…different.”

I could tell she was watching Me as I walked away.  Good.  It wouldn’t be long before she approached Me.  She sat down next to Me.  She acted shy, I didn’t.  I sat forward, pressing My right hand behind her head pulling her toward Me. I kissed her hard, forcing My tongue into her mouth.  Then I sat back.  She looked a bit surprised but I could tell from her eyes that I was going to have a wonderful night.

Snuff sexShe was laying in front of the fire.  I marveled over her unmarred skin.  Not one touch of ink done on her, not one piercing.  She was flawless.  The only thing wrong with flawless things is that eventually they break.  It was time for her to break.  I kissed her one last time, trailing My fingers down over her full breasts, down her stomach before plunging My sharp nails into her wet pussy.  The torture sex portion of the night was beginning.  She slammed her legs together, trying to sit up, I slapped her hard across the face.  She tried to sit up again, and once more another stinging slap landed on her smooth cheek. 

I grabbed her by the chin, pushing My nails into her flesh.  I bared my teeth as My hand sunk deeper into her cunt.  I calmly told her that now it was My turn to have fun.  By the end of our lovely evening together, there was the smell of charred flesh permeating the condo building I had broken into to have My little tryst.  I could hear doors opening up, people stopping each other in the hall asking where it was coming from.  I watched all this from the doorway of the building.  It wasn’t long before I could hear the police sirens slicing through the night, just like I sliced through My flawless lover.

Torture phone sex


Fantasy phone sex Ivy

Murder phone sex Fantasies

After a binge of snorting some shit up my nose I watched a ton of documentaries on world war 2 and a shit ton of porn. I have this fantasy of grabbing a bitch off the street and taker her home. I want to see how long the human body took to no longer live. Starving someone was going to take a lot of time and patients, something I don’t have normally. I know exactly who to take. Kaylee, she was a whore down on 5th ave. No one cared about her or where she was. Kaylee was always strung out and she eats pussy like a pro.

Torture phone sex

I know I can trick her into going to my apartment and after a few days when she comes down she isn’t going to leave. Starving her isn’t going to be enough for me. I’ll have to see how much pain she can take. Cut her and make her drain her blood. She will be a dirty toilet, since she wont be eating or drinking anything I don’t think I need to let her out to let her go potty. I do think I will let her eat protein… Let someone fuck her throat till they cum. I’m excited to beat her, fuck her, piss on her. If you have any other suggestions, Id love to hear them. Ill be waiting her watching her suffer.. 

 Taboo phone sex

Castration Phone Sex with Venus: The Best Birth Control

castration phone sex knife tortureI have a pig for sale. It never ceases to amaze me how many worthless fuck pigs turn over their entire lives to me. Just a flat, “do with me what you want mistress for I am a worthless pig.” Yes you are a worthless pig,  and you bet your pathetic ass I will auction you off to the highest bidder for whatever twisted, perverted thing I want. I could auction you off to be tortured, to be snuffed out, to be castrated, or to just serve as a slave, fuck or house.

I was on the fence for this particular pig. So, I ran an ad just seeing what kind of hits I would get. I got offered $10,000 by a chick who recognized him as the ex boyfriend who gave her an STD. She wanted to castrate his disease ridden cock, take away his manhood so he couldn’t infect any more girls. I am a greedy bitch, but I told her she could take his junk for free. I can sell him without his man bits to be snuffed out or used as a slave.  I have no allegiance to stupid fuck pigs with a death wish anyway. But I do like to help a bitch out, especially when it’s all about revenge.

torture phone sex sadistic bitchShe was salivating when she saw him in his cage. We taunted him like a monkey in the zoo. Rattled his cage. He was blindfolded, but he recognized her voice. Shit himself too, just like a dirty animal. I pulled him out of his cage, made him clean up his mess, then forced him in the castration chair. It’s this little device I made which has a wood plank for a worthless pecker to be stretched out on, and straps for the arms and ankles. He tried to back out. Pleaded to keep his nasty dick. I have a strict no refunds no exchanges policy. You pay me to do whatever I want to you, fuck your cold feet.

I pulled his pecker to elongate it as much as I could considering its diminutive size. I nailed his balls to the chair too. I gave his disgruntled ex my big knife, but the bitch had a change of heart. WTF? I hate pussies. I yanked the knife out her hand, stabbed her in her worthless cunt repeatedly. Left the bitch alive but bleeding profusely; pretty sure she wouldn’t reproduce ever. The world needs less pussies. I then took the knife dripping in her pussy blood and took her ex’s dick right off. Didn’t go slow, didn’t numb him, just pulled his worthless balls out, twisted them into a knot, then a swift whack and his junk was gone. I then shoved his disease ridden worthless pecker in his wimp of an ex girlfriend’s mouth. “Suck on that bitch. Teach you to back out on a deal with me,” I yelled at her

Nothing went as planned, but at least I ensured two pansy ass stupid fucks who can’t follow through will never reproduce. Need a license to do just about anything in this world, but any fucking moron can reproduce. Well two less fucking morons can reproduce now.

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Snuff phone sex is to Die for!

Snuff phone sex

  Snuff phone sex ended my life, my story is innocent but the blood that spilled was real. I felt my teeth being kicked in and I knew it was going to be a long night. I was trying my best to fight off this mother fucker but it was nothing I could do. He took the wire cutters and the clamps and pushed them further into my tits.This mother fucker was bonding me his for life! I was trying to get away from these assholes and was using every bit of strength I had left to claw their eyes outs. They were beating me and I could hear the slaps and  punches that were being driven into my face but I didn’t care. If I was going to die I was going to at least try to take this nigga with me! Kicking me with a boot one of them yelled to the other to get Bertha. I didn’t know who Bertha was but when my face saw her I just choked back tears. Sometimes they say there are freaks of nature and Bertha must have been just that. It looked like her face had been mangled in a shredder and her nails looked like claws. But she was human, maybe it was this human that was God’s mistake! I looked at her battered skin and the needles that had been shoved in her clit and fought even harder to get away from what I knew was about to happen. When she smiled it was like something I had not seen from this world. Dried blood and feces clung to her teeth; if they were teeth, and her tits hung low and to the ground.

     Slapping her on the ass the gang circled us and I cried, screamed but only choked dried sobs came out. Pushing her down I felt the stench of her breath as I knew what was about to happen. Spreading my legs apart I did my final kick to one of the gang members as Bertha spread my cheeks apart inserting one of the hypodermic needles from her pussy inside of me. As my eyes closed and I begin to relax, I felt the full of a sword open my flesh and the blood run to the ground. A light above hung and I tried with all my might to hold on but, it was much too late. Dark was around and then there was nothing.