I am sick and tired of these brute guys who scream lude nasty shit at me when I walk down the road. There is one big dick that goes above and beyond being a big dick. He really gets under my skin. Yelling shit like, look at that fine bitch. You are making my dick hard bitch! Come over here and take care of this. While he is grabbing himself! I finally had enough. He never even saw me coming. I wanted to show him what being a dick to me gets him. I forced a hand full of Viagra right down his throat and followed it with a bunch of water. I made sure he swallowed every single pill. I gave it a while to kick in. And when he was rock hard and hurting. I pulled out a VERY large needle. And the ass started to cry. Begging me not to hurt him. LOL I had to show him what a dick earns from me. I stab him hard in his cock and drain out a tube of blood. Then squirt the blood all over him. I reminded him how he said I made him want to squirt. How he wanted me.. begged me to take care of his cock! And I am taking care of it now. I stabbed him again and enjoyed his screaming. Such a big man screams like a little girl. I stabbed and drained him over and over. That viagra is fantastic. He never got soft. Not until I drained him completely. Slowly and as painfully as I could. LOL I will always love the sounds of his voice begging for his life. He will never be a dick again.
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Taking care of that Dick
Stocked Up For The Winter
I know an old farmer lives out in the sticks at the end of a dirt road. No one ever goes out there unless they have a reason and if you happen to loose your way and end up out there uninvited and unannounced you won’t be leaving. We often get together and drink his shine while talking about how he offs the fuckers that end up at his place. He with his dick in his hand drooling over the thrill of the kill and me with a pussy full of fingers imagining each detail as he shares his stories. Sometimes if they are just the right age. Not to boney, not to fatty, they look healthy and he thinks they might be my kind of meat, he will butcher them for me and call me to come pick up the meat. He knows just what to check for, he makes sure they look well maintained, good set of teeth, clean and no evidence of drug use. He called me this morning for the one that came wondering up last night. We are going to finish butchering her after we are done with the shine and cumming as he tells me all about this, his latest kill. When I get her home my freezer will be stocked full for the winter but I am sure I will be back soon to sit and pass the time with my old solitary friend.
How ethereal she looked. The first time I saw her it was like looking at an Angel, she seemed too perfect, to surreal to be here on earth. This place would only damage, tort, twist, and destroy her. I could not let that happen. I cannot recall the exact date that I made her mine, but it has been a while. She was frightened at first, I had to keep something in her mouth to make sure she would not be heard. No matter how many times I took her into my arms to sooth her by stroking her soft tresses, or plunging my fist into her soft pinkness between her legs, she would not stop screaming against the gags. I had no recourse but to cut her tongue out. That took care of the more annoying sounds.
Eventually she gave in, she was broken, just like the rest of us, we are all broken in some way or another. I decided that I would fix her breaks, tears, and broken parts. I laid her down on her cot, unwound the cat gut, took the needle, and stitched up her broken self. From eyes, to mouth, to neck, to breast, to soft flat stomach, to that pink heaven between her legs.
Now that she is forever fixed, the world cannot harm her, and cannot mold her into something less then what she is, which is perfect.
Chop Chop
So the little bitch is laying there after you have had your fun, but now what? Luckily you know someone who can help get rid of your busted up toy in a hurry. All I have to do is dismember the body, making it more manageable to move and dispose of. With every swing I become more and more frenzied, what can I say, I find it highly erotic. I want nothing left except for a pile of chopped up meat, bitch tar-tar if you will. The bone is the hardest to break through, unless of course, the instrument which I use is sharp enough, then it’s as easy as deboning a chicken. The noise is incredible! It snaps, cracks, and splinters, it is amazing. To make it all the better, there is a lot of body fluid flying around, which, if I get there quick enough is still warm. I like to do this outside when the weather turns cooler so I can see the warm air from the open body expose it’s self to the cold air and watch the steam swirl around. I think it’s beautiful. Next time you need to get rid of your used up, broken doll, think of me as your number one go to girl.
Hear, See, and Taste the Evil!!! YUMMY!!!
Many call me a DERANGED-INSANE-SICK-CRAZY-PSYCHOTIC-BITCH!! FUCK THOSE FUCKERS!!!…….(It is time for a bedtime story for the little ones-but it’s really NOT a story!!) Fuck-slut-bitch-whores deserve to have their filthy slits used, ripped open, and torn to shreds by hideous, devilish monsters! Nasty-shitty-smelling-monsters! Matted-fur! Smelling-of-vomit! piss! Nasty sluts crave cock from wherever they can get it! Fuck you nasty sluts raw! No one can save you! VORE FETISH!!! -SWALLOW YOU WHOLE-THEN VOMIT YOU UP!!!-ONLY TO BE SHARED WITH THE ‘FAM’ (HAHAHAHAHA)-DIE BITCH!!! You tell your friends, but no one believes you! You tell them that a DEMONIC CREATURE is pursuing you-IT WANTS YOUR LIFE! First,it infests your womb with its seed! Once you have shitted out its offspring-like runny diarrhea-you become the demonic families’ RAPE fantasy- CANNIBALISTIC FEAST!!!
Fuck your holes and swallow you helpless damsels in fucking distress! I hate sluts! I want to watch their filthy cunts get mutilated! Rape fantasies enacted! Fucked with sword dicks! Sharp razors! Ripped shit holes-by dagger cocks! Blood cum! Double penetration with knife cocks! Cutting their nasty cunts to smithereens! I’ll puke in their fuck holes! Scary creatures! enormous cocks-shoved through the fucking whores’ stomachs and popping their FUCKING HEADS OFF!! DINNER TIME!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Nighty night- MOTHER FUCKERS!! DIE!!!
Silent Poison
This past weekend, I decided to take it off from work and go out drinking. I had no idea how my night was going to turn out or how it will end. But either way, I will have enjoy the outing. So when I got to the club, I went straight to the bar to start drinking the night away. After a few shots, I realized I was being watched. It was a couple that just could not stop looking at me and followed me every where I went in the club. I thought how much fun this could be for me so I took the first move and introduced myself to them. It was so obvious to me that the couple’s lust for me was strong and I decided to take advantage of the situation. So I brought them back to my place for some more privacy but they are in for a surprise. So I gave them drinks as I allured them into my bedroom. Things started to get really hot as our clothes ended up on the floor and taking turns sucking on the guy’s cock. Moments after he fucking me and I was licking his girlfriend’s cunt, they both became subdued by the poison I put into their drink. Stupid bitches! They didn’t even know who they were dealing with. For that is what you get, when a you seek after a one night stand. Now I wonder what fun medical experiments I can do to this lifeless couple.
Burn Bitch
I love helping out a friend. He broke up with his bitch of an girlfriend a few
months earlier. And she was still sending him emails demanding her candles back. Fucking candles. I read all the emails 2 or 3 a week calling him all kinds of names saying he was a thief. This is not a candle man. Apparently she was totally obsessed with candles. Had to have them burning all over the house. And she seemed to think he took some when he left. Fucking crazy. And I think someone a crazy as her needs to be taken care of. And I know just how to do it. I waited till it was dark and she had light a bunch of candles. I knocked on her door and when she answered I said I just moved in a few doors down and my power wasn’t on yet. I asked if she had a candle I can borrow? She was so willing to let me in. So eager to help. Crazy and stupid. I jumped her right when the door shut. I enjoyed beating the shit out of her. Then I took the candles and burned that bitch. I enjoyed smelling her flesh cooking. The screams as she begged me to stop. If I would let her live, she would NEVER love candles again. But of course this bitch has to die! I can’t have all the fun I want. She has to look like the fire killed her… But I do get to burn her as much as want. I took my time to slowly burn off her fingers and toes. I played with her till my time was up. Can’t be caught her in the morning. I left her there on the floor. And set her house on fire! I waited till the place was engulfed. It was glorious.
Fuck The Piglet
Why hello there little cuntling. Nice of you to wake the fuck up finally. You would think someone who spews bullshit smack words from their mouth to My boyfriend’s pretty young offspring would be able to handle a little dose of GHB in your chocolate milk, but I suppose I was giving you too much credit. You see, she came to Me, and believe Me, I am the LAST person someone her age would come to for comfort. She told Me all about the shit you have been saying, how you have even laid hands on her. Oh muffin, don’t you know that’s a big ole fucking no no?
Actually, it doesn’t matter if you knew that, because you are about to learn what a huge no no it is. You see I don’t give a good god damn if you are the age you are as you have crossed a line with Me. I do this not for her so much as for My boyfriend, because he has a huge cock and knows how to use it. I can’t have him walking around worried about his little one because it takes away My fuck time with him. That, My stupid one, I will not tolerate.
This is what is going to happen, we are going to play a game called: Fuck The Piglet. I can see by the tears on your thick eyelashes that you are scared. I have to tell you, I’m glad you are, you should be. This is not going to be something that you can put a snoopy band aid on and make it all better. I am going to tear your tight whore hole up. I am going to use anything, and everything that I can lay my hands on. I will fuck you until you pass out, then fuck you more when you wake up. You bullied the wrong person, so you need to learn, it’s very simple. You get a good hurtful, painful, traumatic fucking, and I can get back to having My boyfriend’s cock slipping in and out of Me. Oh, and also, his little one will never have to hear your words again, because after you learn your lesson, you will cease to exist. Let’s begin.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies
Would you mind someone like me, sexy and deviant, to have your life in the palm of my hands? Could you imagine me making the decision on if you live or die? To me it will be a sweet death. This is how it would go…
I would bring you into my home, and take you to the basement. Once inside I would make you strip. Take off all your clothes while I admire your body. You are just so damn sexy…. well endowed too. I would then lay you on the cold metal table where I tie your hands above your head and legs wide apart. It’s my decision… so you can’t get away with whatever choice I make. I run my long painted nails against your skin causing chills. Making my way down to your cock I touch it, tease it, even taste it. I want to see it grow one last time. How perfect it is. When it’s nice and swollen I get a razor and start to make some beautiful artwork on your abs. Slicing and carving my mark. Taking that blood and smearing it all over my naked body. I climb up on the table and slowly slide your cock into my sweet spot. As you see my body ride yours, I look into your eyes. I switch from my razor to a scalpel and slice a clean line from one ear to the next ear. Oh what a beautiful death. I ride your dick like a thief after he struck gold. Watch as the life leaves your body, as the blood drains, as you fill me up with your last seed.