It was time for the annual meeting of freaks; and, when I say “freaks,” I mean people who jack-off to the idea of being devoured. My personal problem with it is that it’s all a theatrical production; no one is really eaten. Why can’t they just commit to being eaten by a cannibal. Anyway, this year’s theme was “In the belly of the snake.” A gigantic snake was created and the attendees were going to be able to be swallowed and digested by the monster; and, better yet, the attendees were supposed to dress as biblical figures. Now, this is the type of irony that I could appreciate.
I waited until mid-morning and set out to the studio; the crowd wouldn’t form yet until afternoon. But, there were a few stragglers; and all I had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity. They presented themselves fairly quickly: they were a young college couple. But, they were dressed as Jesus and Mary Magdalene; and, well, that was just too sweet to resist.
The admissions clerk took their money and then sat squarely behind a garbage can to finish smoking his rock. I snuck in easily; I had placed a couple of cameras in the large constructed snake and I could track their every move. Laughter and awe gave away to eroticism as they began to make their way down the intestines. By the time I reached them, they were mutually masturbating underneath their clothes and yelling, “Eat me. Yeah, monster, eat our deliciously sinful bodies.” I almost laughed.

When I approached, I slid a blade quickly into the male and I told the female that he had, indeed, been eaten. Thinking that I was part of the production, she cried out to be eaten, too. She remained docile but excited as I tied her with rope and gave her some bullshit about being constricted in the snake’s belly. Then, she noticed that her companion hadn’t moved and there was a little bit of blood leaking beneath him. She began to scream; and I was a little glad that she was finally recognizing her dire situation.
I slit her belly open, carving out a large portion of flesh from her breasts to her torso. She bled out fairly quickly, but not before she saw me hack into her friend and place his decapitated head inside of her. And, as a last touch, I chopped off his cock and put it in her mouth. I staged them for the next visitors and pitied myself that I hadn’t brought some kind of manger and doll with me; but, I was proud of my work and took a quick photo.