Tag: Taboo phone sex

Black Magic

Ass Rape Porn

Its been a really crappy week!

It has done nothing but rain for over a week with no end in site!

I am out of vodka and bourbon.

I have no candy and I haven’t been fucked hard in a week!

I decide to go down to the bar and see what kind of trouble I can get into and I run into this stupid punk on the corner.

I am trying to walk past him but he keeps blocking me. He tells me I look like I need some black magic.

I asked what it does and he says it will tare me up!

He says it will make me feel completely spent and relaxed!

Sounds like just what I need! So I hand the guy a fifty and he does this stupid secret knock and the door opens.

He shoves me inside the pitch black room and the door slams behind me!

I feel a hand grab my throat and push me to the ground as my clothes are being torn to shreds!

I open my mouth to scream but it is suddenly with a fat cock!

The man is fucking my face as he pulls my head by the hair, forcing his meat against the back of my throat!

I could taste drops of cum seeping out of his fuck stick as he banged the hell out of my face and I was relieved that it was almost over so that I could breath!

But he pulls his throbbing cock out just as he shoots a chunky load all over the floor!

He grabs my hair and forces my face into the cum on the filthy floor, yelling at me to lap it up like the hungry bitch I am!

I hear laughter as the light switches on and I can’t believe what I saw!

There is at least a half a dozen thick black cocks waiting to fuck any vacant hole in my body!Accomplice Phone Sex

It was not what I expected but the door man was right!

By the time all that huge black meat finished fucking my face, punishing my pussy, and shredding my shit whole….I was tore up and had the life practically fucked out of me!

I guess a good black magic pounding is just as good as a good drug!


Sex with Dead Bodies Fantasy Turns Deadly

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies was his fantasy. Since he owns me, I cater to all his dark desires. I watch Criminal Minds and Law and Order: SVU, so I knew about necrophilia. Master tossed me in a basement. No ordinary basement either. It was refrigerated. I was so cold; I felt like a slab of beef. I knew what he was doing; trying to lower my body temperature so I would feel like a dead body. He left me there overnight. I began to wonder if he really wanted me dead to fulfill his fantasy.

He fucked me cold. My fingers were blue. My circulation poor. I tried to be a good dead bitch, but I was not convincing enough. I still had a pulse. He dragged me upstairs. I thought for sure he was going to beat me for not playing dead to his liking. I wish he would have beaten me. He put his hands around my throat and squeezed my jugular until I passed out. I woke up in a cold dark place. I was so scared. I tried to sit up but I couldn’t move. I was in a box. Then it hit me. Master had buried me alive. I was the star of his snuff porn. He was going to get his dead body to fuck. I started pounding on the box, screaming, hoping maybe someone would hear me.

snuff pornThe noises I heard as I hit the box hard, convinced me I was under the ground, but not too far down. I mean Master hardly had time to dig a grave in the amount of time I was passed out, right? I started panicking. What if he had this all planned out and my grave was already dug? I started clawing at the box. I felt my finger nails snap. Splinters were getting embedded in my skin. My fingers were turning into bloody stumps. I was starting to lose oxygen. I just kept clawing at the wood despite by bleeding, likely broken fingers. I managed to get a small hole in the box. Mistake. Dirt started pouring in from the hole. Pouring in fast. I lost consciousness again.

Woke up in a coffin with Master fucking me. I knew better this time. I just laid there motionless. So grateful to be alive, I played dead.

bloody phone sex

Killer Phone Sex on Halloween

killer phone sex fantasiesHalloween is my favorite night. No one notices me. It is the one night of the year a creepy Goth girl doesn’t stand out. With everyone dressed up to go get drunk and laid or to trick or treat, no one suspects that this is my everyday look. The big ass blood tinged knife I am carrying, is believed to be nothing but a prop. It doesn’t get a second look. I skulk along the sidewalk, watching for the right homes. I knock on the doors with babysitters and brats too young to go trick or treating. Surprise the stupid babysitter with the tidbit that my knife is not a simple prop, but the tool of my trade. I can always spot the bad babysitters. The ones who sneak their boyfriends in to fuck and raid the liquor cabinet instead of watching the precious little ones trusted in their care. Stupid cunts.

babysitter phone sexNo one pays any mind to the blood curdling screams coming from the homes of the privileged on Halloween night. It is just expensive sound effects to anyone who can hear the screams. But what is really going on behind the walls of gated homes throughout my community isn’t discovered until the parents arrive home. Dismembered dead babysitters and castrated barely alive boyfriends become Halloween decorations in the homes of the wealthy. Bad babysitters get their limbs cut off with a rusty old saw. I save my knife to slit their mouths from ear to ear. I cut out their tongues. I stitch up their mouths so they cannot cry and whine. I chop off the cocks and balls of the boyfriends. My little apprentices feed all body parts to their family pet.

taboo phone sexThe little ones watch and help. The brats love to assist in the mutilation and death of bad babysitters. They think it is a game. Just a Halloween game. They finger paint in the blood. Parents come home, find their wee ones sitting in blood, playing with their new life size dead dolls. Crimes are blamed on tweakers, not some Goth girl from their community. The brats never tell. They want me to come back and play with their parents.

Ava Made Me…

accomplice phone sex kali (1)

Looks like my nightmare isn’t ending any time soon… Daddy has made best friends with Ava. She’s practically in control of my whole life. She told me she had a special Halloween idea for me to do for her and Daddy and if I thought about not going through with it she had a particularly painful punishment in mind. I know better than to argue with her, I know exactly what she is capable of. I went to school the next day and invited the prettiest girl at school over for a sleepover, her virgin holes were about to be no longer. I already knew it. Of course Ava and Daddy couldn’t let me off with just doing that for them so when my friend was here they took me upstairs and made me cry and scream as they fucked my holes and tortured me. She did exactly as expected of her and came running upstairs to save her best friend and she was too slow to realize it was a set up. There was nothing I could do as she was forced to the ground and her clothes were ripped off of her. At least I made Daddy happy, I’d do anything for my Daddy and his rock hard cock. Little did I know though, this Halloween treat was going to be more bloody than I could ever imagine. Ava made me do it I swear… made me hold her down while Daddy took her precious virgin cunt. While he made her suck the blood off his throbbing cock. She made me hold her legs open as she fucked her cunt with her blade. Made me take the warm knife from her hands and finish her off… I swear Ava made me do!

2 girl phone sex ava

Kali’s gonna help me snuff this slut!

2 girl phone sexI’ve got a plan and Kali’s got no choice but to join in or she’ll be our next victim. We’ve been storming up a scheme for a special Halloween night killing… it’s going to be the best Halloween yet. We’re going to do something a little different this time, aren’t we precious Kali? This pathetic little slut is going to help me and Daddy get the perfect little whore to snuff out for good. Kali is going to be a good little slut and bring home some girls from school… they’re going to think it’s going to be fun and games until they hear Kali screaming from the other room. They’ll run to help her, only to find her with Daddy’s big cock stuffed deep into her bald cunny. A knife to her throat! She will be crying fake tears because we all know she loves to be treated like the submissive pain slut she is, she loves nothing more than to feel her Daddy’s cock forcing his way into her holes and above all of that she will literally do anything to please her Daddy and avoid as least amount of punishment as she can. She just loves to hate being Daddy’s one and only pain slut victim she is willing to throw any of her young teen slut friends under the bus. When her little friend comes running in to help she’ll be mine. I’ll push her down and rip her clothes off. I love when they try to fight me off – she’ll know soon what my knife can do. This will be the bloodiest Halloween yet…and I won’t be done till this whore is covered in cum and blood and poor little Kali helps me snuff this slut out.

accomplice phone sex

You Ought To Be In Pictures AKA snuff porn flicks

Snuff pornYou, My dear sweet pet have a face that only a Mother could hate.  As well as anyone else for that matter.  However, there you are going for part after part for every single casting call that you see in the trades.  Pity really, someone with your lack of talent really should just give up.  Luckily for you this casting call will be completely different because believe it or not … you nailed the part.  You read the part of the victim so well.  Look how excited you seem to be isn’t that … cute.

I hope you do not have any plans for the rest of your life.  As this part is considered “on going”.  Although it will be one performance only the movie will live on and on.  It may even become a Cult Classic.  Now if you will follow me we will prepare for your staring role.  I, along with a select group of others will also be performing in this film.  Do not worry about a script think of it as a docu-drama.  We wish to see your real reactions as well as hear your own unrehearsed words.

All you have to do is sit on that sofa right there as I get changed.  Your part starts long before mine so do not be alarmed if others join you off and on until I return.  I am not completely sure you will enjoy the part.  In all honesty I hope beyond hope you do not. It will be painful, there will be real agony involved.  You will be terrified like you have never been before.  Sounds fun doesn’t it?   Fun for me and the others, not so much for yourself. 

I wouldn’t look so startled at my words.  After all this is how all snuff porn flicks go, oh and before I go… do try not to bleed too much. As I have to have the sofa back to the alley in tip top condition when we are through.  You would be surprised at how picky alley whores are about the things they use to fuck on.

snuff porn flicks

The Perfect Costume

taboo phone sex karmaShe has a strong will that is for damned sure. No matter what torture I inflict to teach her a lesson, each time I remove the gag, she screams to high heaven. And while I enjoy the sound of a good scream while pain is being inflicted, a scream out of being obstinate is annoying indeed and brings me great displeasure along with swift repercussions. I have decided that I am going to leave this she devil alone until the glorious night of all hallows eve. On this most auspicious occasion, I intend to cut her tongue out and then sew her mouth and eyes shut and put her on a leash. Every one will think it is a costume with fake blood, but I know it is real. I will parade her around the streets, my now obedient pet that is blind and mute. Just the thought of it all has me soaking wet and ready for that special night that will end with her demise. taboo phone sex mouth

Tracking The Piggy Slut

Taboo phone sexDid you see the look on her face when you let her out? She was stunned and so excited!  You told her she could go home, but you lied.  You are so bad. There she was at the back door thinking that when she opened it she could be free.  It was just a game.  One that we came up with, but when you threw in the little bit about her being able to return home to her Mommy and Daddy I had to hold back the laughter.  Stupid little bitch thought you were serious.  That is until you yanked her back over the doorstep by her hair and told her to run.

I started to count loudly while you explained the rules to her.  IF she managed to get away from me you would let her go, BUT if I found her that would be the end of her.  The way her tiny body started to shake as she grasped what it was you were telling her almost made me smile!  Of course I didn’t wait the whole time you said I would.  As soon as I crossed the field and into the woods I could hear her.  Panting, moving over the leaves.  She was sobbing and trying to run.  I called out her name, “PIG SLUT! OOOOOOOH PIGGY SLUT!  I’M GOING TO FIND YOOOOOOOOU!”  She actually screamed.  I laughed out loud.

I started to yell out all the things that would could do to her.  I could see her right ahead of me.  I pretended to fall as she looked back over her shoulder, her face twisted in fear and panic.  It wasn’t long at all before I became tired of running around after her.  I closed in and grabbed her arm.  I had to punch her in the face to get her to stop screaming.  As I heaved her over my shoulder I told her that all pigs get slaughtered some day, and today was her day.

Accomplice phone sex

accomplice phone sexI love pleasing my daddy. He had a fun adventure planned today for us. He wanted me to go with him and his brother to look for some fun toys to play with. There were short ones, tall ones, young ones, skinny ones, big, developed, old, and sexy ones. He wanted me to pick the ones I liked the most. This was different for us, since usually I am his toy to play with.

I usually like my daddy’s attention all to myself but I figure this will be a lot of fun. We go ahead and pick three different ones to play with. I make friends with them and get to know them a bit and next thing you know, they are drugged and unconscious and we are taking them to our special place in the woods. We take turns stabbing their tiny baby makers to where blood pours down their legs and paints their toes. They scream and cry and beg for more. I guide daddy’s cock into the tightest pussy first.

He fucks her until his dick is saturated in blood. He stretches her little cunny complete out. I flip her on her tummy and he shoves his blood covered cock into her ass. It is so tight that I take a knife and make a slit in her anus making it wider, that way daddy has more room to thrust inside that tight little fuck hole. This is so much fun! We are just getting started!

Self Mutilation phone sex


Mutilation phone sex

Self Mutilation gets me horny. I am a worthless piece of shit. I cause pain to myself to try and feel something. Then I get fucked up to make it disappear. I will do anything to get fucked up. I will sell my bloody cut up body to anyone on the street to get a fucking high. I play the victim but really I am my own worst fear. There is nothing you can do to me that I haven’t done to myself. Do you have an idea of what you want to do? Give me your worst. Make me scream again. Make me feel something again. Cut my pussy off, make me eat it. Give me a bloody hole. Get me so fucking hair and rip my nails out of my fingers. Break my bones. Call me names. Send me to the fuck streets to get gang banged by nasty homeless men. Make me your pain whore. If you think you can make me what you want.