Tag: Snuff phone sex

Episiotomy Time

You love those pussies tight, and you have put me in charge of making sure they stay that way. You gave me a set of tools, and some thick thread and a rusty needle. I watch night after night as you rip open their virgin cunts, making them bleed, tearing them open from vagina to ass with your cock and monster toys. You take away everything that makes them feel pretty and innocent, and then leave them laying on the floor gushing blood fromtheir torn cunnies.

Thats when I come over and tell them it will be okay.  I look at the gory mess you’ve made – turning two holes into one. They could literally shit from their cunt. You tell me to perform the episiotomy, and you stand over us, making sure I sew them up right. You love the ones that squirm during the stitching – you place your boot on their throat to hold them still while I do my work. Their legs fall open, limp and exhausted. I take my rusty needle and thread, and find the gash through all the blood.

I start at the ass end, and lace my stitches up through their cunt like some fucked up shoe, twisting the needle in and out, closing up the damage you caused while they plead for their lives. I know these stitches give them new hope – they honestly believe you plan to keep them and re-use them over and over. But you don’t. You only enjoy ripping the stitches open once – the very next day when they are sore and fresh.  My work is bloody and painful, but they always seem grateful when I am done. They don’t know that you only crave the tearing, and the feeling of fresh stitches cutting into your cock as you rip them out.

The next night, I watch in horror as you drag them out again and begin to fuck their swollen stitched pussies. The thread rips through their ass and pussy lips as they get de-virginized all over again. This time with even more pain. And tonight they will lay on the floor as I ignore them, letting their cunts bleed them out. I watch as all their hope drains along with their life. I reach down and feel my own cunt, stitched up a long time ago. I wonder why mine remain, and I wonder what night you plan to destroy them.

Waiting for the Doorbell

Halloween is coming and I know what you have planned. You have beaten all of us girls beyond recognition, and our scars and blood and overall appearance rivals any zombie costume that could be made by using makeup. Some of us are acged, and some just tied, in the basement of your wicked looking house. Its a favorite trick-or-treat house for the neighborhood bratss every year. They dare each other to come knock on the door for a treat. I know this, because I remember the year I did it – the last taste of freedom I will ever have.

My friends dared me to go to your door. Your house was creepy and rumored to be haunted. Even during the day we would cross the street on the way home from school, rather than walk close to it. You were rarely ever seen, and some of the other brats said you had been seen burying bodies in your back yard. It had all sounded so ridiculous to me. It was Halloween, and I was a brave little thing, well a show-off anyway, and I was going to ring your bell. None of my friends would go to the door with me, they waited across the street.

I rang the bell, and the door swung open. You were no where to be seen. I was so scared, but I peeked inside. From nowhere, your arm reached out and grabbed my throat, yanking me the rest of the way inside, slamming the door behind us. Your grip was so tight I couldn’t even scream, and you dragged me deeper into the house. You threw my tiny body onthe floor, and began slapping me until my mouth and nose were bleeding. You took my princess costume and ripped it off my body, pinching and biting me like a monster, and I felt like I was having a nightmare.

You took your cock our of your filthy jeans and fucked my tiny pussy right there on the floor as I bled everywhere. You tore my body to shreds until the sun came up the next day. I will never forget that night, even after all the torture you have instilled on me since then. Now, I rot in your basement, useless and pathetic. You still torture me and fuck me, but I know its not the same as the first time. Halloween is almost here, and I know you are waiting for the next little brave girl to come up and ring your bell. Your collection of broken princesses grows each year. If only they were smart enough to stay away from the haunted house.

The Family Scarecrow Curse

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

My great grandparents were simple folk from the mid west. They had owned a few farms and lived off their land. When they died, they left the only farm house that was still standing in the family. My mother said I could go check it out, and if I felt like it was something I could handle on my own, it would be mine to have. But the more I learned of this property, the less it became about me having a home to call my own, it was the legends of the family scarecrow.

There had been many stories in our family that this particular piece of land was cursed. My great grandparents were not good people and had tortured many of their slaves. And so apparently one of the slaves that was used in many breeding rituals was a young witch. The tale of her says, that the last thing she saw before she died, was the lonely scarecrow out in the field. There were a few pictures of it in old family albums, and undoubtedly, it was creepy. After her passing there were accounts that anyone that came into contact with the scarecrow would have nightmares so awful, than ran screaming from the property. Dreams of their skin being carved off of them by something they could not see. Dreams so realistic that it caused more than a few to go insane. Eventually the farm was abandoned, and no one dared touch the scarecrow.

When I arrived at the property I was filled with dread, and a calming sense of terror. This was a perfect place to bring my victims to.. a sleepy little town.. Evil just lurked about. It was too perfect. I headed down to the farmhouse with a sense of purpose, me and this scarecrow spirit were going to get to know each other really well.

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan 

It Took Days

sadistic phonesex karmaI never dreamed that my latest wicked scheme would bring me so much pleasure and last so long. Her pain and agony has been delightfully satisfying giving me days and nights of pleasure. The long and agonizing process of poison ivy first becoming a rash that drove her crazy with it’s itching, swelling her body and bringing red whelps to the surface was just the beginning. As the hours passed the rash became small blistering sores. Watching the transformation made my cunt so fucking wet. Soon the blisters began to grow and fester becoming huge puss sores all over her body.sadistic phonesex poisen She has been tied to that tree for days now. I am keeping her hydrated so that she doesn’t die on me yet. The sores are starting to eat her flesh and I feel sure that she can’t last much longer. The poison has to be in her blood stream. She is feverish and delirious and it is the most wicked, evil, demented, twisted and sadistic torture ritual that I have ever administered. I will definitely be doing this again. The next time my victim will be a man. I can’t wait to see what the poison ivy does to a cock and balls over time. Just the thought of it is driving me crazy and keeping my cunt dripping wet. saadistic phonesex facebook

Ashes to Ashes

I could smell him before I saw him. The stench of cigar smoke so strong that it burned my nostrils and made me want to gag. It was such a contrast to the earthy smell of the dirt floor, and the copper taste of my blood in my mouth from when he beat me. I remembered the days when the only things I I smelled on him was his sweat, and nasty breath from eating the other girls flesh. Now I longed for those days, as crazy as that was. But he had a new habit now. Cigars. And he had made me his ashtray.

He pulled me up to my knees and pulled my head back by my hair so I was looking up at him. He stood their, hard cock in one hand and a burning cigar hanging from his disgusting lips. The smoke fell down around me, covering me in the smell. I knew I would try to sleep that night, and only be able to smell that disgusting odor in my hair. He told me to open my mouth. I did as I was told, and he stuck his cock in. He slowly fucked my face as he toked on his cigar. I kept my eyes open, as he had taught me, and watched as he smoked.

He pulled his cock out and I kept my mouth open, knowing what was coming next. He took his cigar and brought the ash end down to my mouth. He flicked the burnt ashes into my mouth. They floated down into my mouth and up my nose, making my eyes tear. I didn’t dare spit it out or cough. Then he stuck his cock back in my mouth and fucked my dirty ashtray mouth while he continued smoking. He did this over and over, relaxing while I sucked his cock and used my mouth as his ashtray. My mouth was full of dirty ash by the time he was nearly finished, an hour later.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth one last time, and told me to stick my tongue out. It was bone dry from all the ashing, but he took his cigar and jammed the lit end directly onto my tongue to snuff it out. The burning raged through my brain, and I knew I would have another permanent ring scar on my tongue. He told me to close my mouth, and as I did, with all the ash still inside, he stroked his cum all over my filthy face. He shoved me back to the floor and I rolled away from him. He went back upstairs, and I tried to spit the ash out of my mouth. My tongue burned so badly, and sure enough, the only thing I could smell all night was that stentch of his cigar.

The Worms Crawl In……

evil phonesex angieI love Halloween. I can be evil and demented and people, especially the little ones think it is all fake and just a good trick. I always have the scariest shit in my yard for my little visitors. They always ask how I make it look so real and my answer every year is “How do you know it isn’t real?” They laugh and walk away and my cunt gets wetter as the night goes on, This year I have been preparing for the biggest, nastiest, thrill yet. He has been in my basement for going on a month now. I started by cutting his flesh and allowing the wound to fester. With the open sore becoming more infected by the day I finally added my little minions, a handful of flesh eating maggots. It didn’t take long for them to devour the rotting flesh of the wound and begin to move up the leg to fresh, delicious, tasty flesh. It’s OK I never waist food I could eat myself. He was a homeless bum from tent city by the tracks. An alcoholic that came willingly with me for the cheap booze I bought him. I never eat anything but healthy flesh. He is perfect however for my Halloween decorations. When he begins to moan I simply give him more cheap booze and he gets drunk and passes out while my little maggots do their job. My cunt has enjoyed many good orgasms as I have watched the maggots devour his flesh. By the time Halloween rolls around more then half his leg will be crawling maggots and bone. I will drug him so he looks like a prop and I will lay him in the yard by the front gate. Everyone that comes to my door will have to pass him. They will stop and stare and be amazed that I did it again. The worms crawl in…the worms crawl out and by the time I am done they will be through his stomach and out his mouth…..sinful perfection!evil phonesex maggots

Taboo Phone Sex With Angie & Stephanie

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Or maybe it was the lights and the situation and my ravaged mind. But when I met Angie for the first time, in the dungeon, she seemed like a goddess. This must be the one, the one my Master always tells me about. I thought he had been lying. I thought he made her up as part of his sick fantasy. Maybe just someone he passe dhis days with having taboo phone sex. But here she was, real as could be, unharmed, wearing makeup, and I could tell she wasn’t broken the way I was.  Her skin had no bruises or scars, and her hair was perfect too.

taboo phone sex angie

How could he have a woman like this? All of us other girls had been tortured and abused beyond recognition for the most part. Kept in the dark, in this dirt dungeon under his house. Thus far, He had been realtively less cruel to me, he had told me I had a pretty face.  Angie spoke to me softly, and even her voice purred like a gorgeous cat. She said her name was Angie, and wanted to know if I was Stephanie. I could barely speak, it had been weeks since my last drink of water, but I squeaked out a “yes”. She sat down on the cold ground beside me, her nude body making me so jealous. Then she reached out and kicked me in the stomach with her stiletto.

I recoiled away from her, not daring to say a word. She told me, “So you’re the pretty little bitch he keeps talking about when he is asleep?”. I had no idea what she was talking about, but she was obviously angry at me and I was terrified. She said that she was going to make sure He didn’t think of me anymore. I tried to tell her I didn’t do anything, and that I hated him, but she wasn’t listening. My arms and legs were already bound to the posts that hold me in the dungeon, so she took off her heels, one in each hand, and began to beat me with them.

She swung the stilettos with all her might, hitting my face with the heels, piercing my eye sockets and cheeks. She swung one and connected with my breasts, and then pulled down until my nipple scraped right off. I was screaming as much as I could to get her to stop. I was apologizing for something I couldn’t even control. Angie just kept saying that He belonged to her, and that was the way it was going to stay. She told me I was a slutty little whore cum dumpster and that she was going to make sure I never looked beautiful again. She said I wouldn’t even be able to do taboo phone sex once she was done with my pretty mouth.

Angie continued beating me with her stilettos – she had so much anger and strength, until my eyes were bleeding, my ears were popped, and my cheeks cut to shreds. My lips were hanging and I couldn’t scream any longer. Before she left, she said there was one last thing she had to “fix”. She spread my legs, and shoved her entire shoe inside me, until it disappeared. Blood poured from my cunt and it was also now ruined. She stood up, looked at me like I was so pathetic, and she was right. Then she laughed and walked away, and I never saw her again. Angie had control of Him, and she made it clear that no one was going to change that. I had her shoe inside me now, so that I would never forget.

Fuckpig Slaughter

I know why you hang us upside down. I know it makes the blood pressure greater in our upper bodies so the blood gushes out faster when you puncture our throats. I wish I was one of the other girls. One of the ones who believe you’re only going to fuck us. Only going to torture us. But I have seen too much. I know you are going to slaughter us. You take each one of us and make us your fuck pig. You mind fuck us until we believe its real. Until we believe we are just a collection, and we will be released once you’ve had your fun. You make these girls do things they’ve never even experienced in their worst nightmares. All for the promise of freedom. You make your own BDSM gear, and you tell them they are just test dummies. And they believe you.

But you’re a fucking liar. Why did you let me see? Why did you let me watch the last slaughter? Why didn’t you puncture my jugular and let me bleed out like the rest? I was the one you chose to fuck in the mouth as the others bled out all over the dirt floor. Now, as we all hang here, fucked and beaten and helpless, our tongues cut out so there is no noise, you size us up. Their eyes are terrified, but still have hope. They are remembering what you told them – freedom – and they think you’ve been satiated and they will get to go home soon.

You walk along the line of hanging bodies. Touch their bleeding and broken faces with your hands as if you feel something. But you don’t. I have seen your mind games before. Its all about keeping their hope alive. You take out your cock and go back down the line. Some of them cringe, remembering the horrors they experienced last time they saw your cock in their faces. But you just walk slowly, sizing them up, waiting for the blood to be right where it should be. I am the last in the row of hanging girls. Upside down, wrapped tight in my straight jacket you made, too weak to even swing back and forth.

You take a large tool off the table, the same one I saw you use last time. I watched you make it with the fire and a hammer.  It still has blood on it from last week. I know its coming again. The slaughter of the fuckpigs. You start with the first girl, she tries to recoil away but she can’t. You jam the sharp tool right into her throat and the blood gushes out as her eyes go blank. Then onto the next. As you go down the line, they are screaming inside their heads, hope being dashed once and for all. You tell them to “die, fuckpig, die” as you stick each one and twist your death tool.

Finally you get too me. I can see the rest of them hanging, bleeding out. I close my eyes and wait for the stick of the tool. Instead, once again, you pull my mouth open by my hair and shove your hard cock inside. I suck on it, with no tongue to even taste your evil, and when I open my eyes I see you’re watching your slaughter of fuckpigs twitch as they die. You cum deep in my throat as the last ones stop moving, all life and hope gone.  You reach up and cut the rope that im hanging by. I crash to the ground.  I have survived another round of fuckpig slaughter. But why? I don’t want another week of torture. I don’t want to witness your next set of kills. You unbuckle my jacket and free my arms. Now its my job to collect all your jackets off their dead bodies. To clean them and pile them up for your next set of fuckpigs. I get to work as I hear you leave, no doubt in search of the next.

My boyfriend is a corpse.

violent phonesex georgiaMy boyfriend decided to attempt to stand up to him, even though I begged him not to. I told him to just leave me alone and forget about me because I never wanted this to involve anyone else. I was hoping that tonight when I came home everything would be fine. Obviously it wasn’t and will never be again.

He wants to destroy me, I swear. He’ll take everything away and break me down until I’m nothing. His cock will get hard watching me suffer, he’ll laugh at my pain and he won’t stop even when I’m broken, crying at his feet.

I could see the blood the instant I opened the door. I could smell it before that, I was just clinging to the hope that it wasn’t real. My boyfriend was dead, on my floor, and he was playing in his blood. He had this huge twisted smile on his face. I just froze. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t feel anything. He was laughing, standing there with his twitching evil dick, covered in head to toe in my boyfriend’s blood. He demanded I take my clothes off and join him, I was too afraid to say no.

He pushed me on my knees in the pool of blood while he rubbed his bloody cock all over my face. Then, he forced it into my mouth. I started to cry uncontrollably, he slapped my face firmly with his hand when I was getting too loud. The blood filled my mouth with a metallic flavor, I just had to try not think about it or where it came from. I had to be a brave girl. Finally, he pulled his cock out for a few moments. He decided I didn’t have enough blood covering my body so he used his hands to collect and smear it until I was covered.

I was told afterward to get on top of my boyfriend’s corpse and fuck it. Rigor mortis had set in so his body was bloated and stiff and so was his cock. I cried and screamed, but he just pushed me down onto my boyfriend’s cold dead dick. Again, I froze. I couldn’t thrust or grind on my boyfriend like we did before. It was too sick and I was too afraid. So he put his cock back into my mouth again, causing me to move slightly against my boyfriend’s cock. He fucked my throat harder and harder, causing me to move more and to feel things I shouldn’t. My pussy wasn’t just wet with blood anymore.

I felt so disgusted with myself. I wanted to die, I wanted him to kill me. He just kept thrusting in and out of mouth with the same fucked up grin on his face. He made sure I came more than once before he finally pulled his hard red bloody cock out to shoot cum all over my boyfriend’s pale face
I was still hoping that he would keep going, that he would kill me. All he did was push me down into the puddle of blood and order me to clean the mess up.

Fucking Monsters

Taboo phone sex makayla (3)

At some point in your life you were afraid of monsters, or still are.. 

I have a new fear..

He is a monster.

With the new viruses going around master made me get sick. 

He works in the morgue at the hospital in town, which means he has access to all the viruses that normally kill people. 

What ever he gave me made me sick, very sick. 

The combination of viruses has turned my body into a living corps.

I can’t stop him from moving me, I can not squirm away from his touch.

I can’t move but  I can feel every ounce of pain…

He can bend and mold my body to anything he wants as he fucks me.

Tonight he had his spiked cock sleeve on and he slammed it into my ass

I could feel each spike digging into my asshole and ripping it apart as he pushed back and forth into my body..

Taboo phone sex Makayla

I can’t scream..

I can’t even cry..

What has he done to me…

What is he doing to me?

Finally he pulled his bloody cock out and come around to my face and sticks his bloody cock that has pieces of my skin hanging off of it into my mouth. 

I suddenly get this urge for more..

More blood.

More flesh. 

I start to bite down, but I can’t feel my jaw close.. 

What ever is happening to my body I have turned into a monster just like him… but I have a thirst for blood now…