I was driving home from work tonight when a fucking car cut me off. I tried to stay calm but I just couldn’t. I was fucking furious. Why the fuck would you cut me off? I sped up to the car that did it and it was a old fucking bitch. She could barely see over the steering wheel she had black glasses on. Which means the old geezer should be the fuck home in bed. I drove up next to the car and just gave her the finger but when she gave it back to me and shrugged her shoulders. I could not hold back anymore anger. I followed her home. I waited at the end of the street till she went inside. I got out and walked down to her house making sure no one could see. When she answered she said did you follow me? I pushed the bitch down and she started yelling for her husband. He came running and I bashed him in the fucking head with my baseball bat I grabbed the fucking rope put him in the chair and tied him up and stuffed his ass in the closet. I grabbed his wife and put her on the bed stripped her down and beat the living shit out of her with my bat making blood go all over the walls and the ceiling. No one fucking cuts me off.
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
Road Rage
Killer Phone Sex
Ever since I took care of my pathetic little sister I have been needing someone else to torment. Today,while getting in my car to leave the mall where I work, I noticed the prettiest girl that would make the perfect victim get out. I decided to wait for her to come back to her car. I sat there for a few hours when I noticed her walking back to her car as soon as she was behind mine I backed out. I jumped out of the car to make sure that she was okay but had dropped her phone and broke it. I apologized and then turned around like I was going to just get back in my car but then I took the cloth that I had covered in chloroform and put it over her nose and mouth till she passed out and I stuffed the little slut in my trunk. I drove her back to our house and waited till my parents left for work. As soon as they were gone I opened the trunk where I noticed she was waking up so I placed the chloroform soaked cloth back over her mouth and took her down in our storm cellar. Where no one goes anymore. I tried the little bitch up in the chair tying the rope around each wrist and each ankle. I waited for her to be wake up. I do not like sleeping victims. I took the old photo album out and showed her all the pictures of my sister and her friends when I tortured them and pulled their teeth out on by one till she was all bloody. She was so scared she started screaming and crying so I stuffed a sock in her mouth as I pushed her back in the chair. I took a sharpie and drew dotted lines on her forehead as I told her my plan was to cut her little scalp off. She started crying and begging me to stop that is when I told her the story about me tormenting my sister and the stupid bitch dying in our cellar and that after that I needed another sister to torment so every week I find me another victim to torment and each one of them I take something from, and it just so happen I am going to scalp you. and well your sister that I have in the other I will be taking her lips. I take something from each victim a little at a time till the little cunt is dead just like my sister.
Arachnophobia is when someone has a fear of spiders. Like my down stairs neighbor. Every fucking day when her husband is gone to work at night I hear her screaming. I used to go see what was wrong with her, it would always be because of a damn spider that is crawling around in her damn house. I would just kill it and go home. After watching the movie arachnophobia tonight and hearing her scream. I had the greatest idea. I left to go to the pet store the next morning. I came home that evening waited for her husband to go to work, waited for her to do her nightly damn screaming. I walked downstairs taking a knife and robe with me. When I got into her apartment she showed me the direction the spider was into. That is when I hit her in the back of the head with the lamp they had on the table making her fall to the floor. I climbed on top of her tying her up. I ran upstairs to get my things from the pet store. When I got back to her apartment she was whining and crying begging me to untie her and just let her go. Yeah right, I told her. I am going to make you wish that you had never screamed, and that you did not have a fear of spiders. I grabbed my black duffel bag and one by one took all my glass jars out. She saw that each one was a different kind of spider she screamed asking me to stop. She was sweating,breathing hard like she was about to hyperventilate. As I started opening the jars letting each spider out on top of her stomach her heart was pounding faster and faster you could see them through her shirt. I took the black widow out and the brown recluse and put it right on top of her head. She begged for me to stop, she wouldn’t shut the fuck up so I pried the fucking thing open and shoved the black widow down her throat and duct taped it. Within a few minutes you could see her eyes rolling to the back of her head. The fucking stupid bitch was dying. Lol. I whisper to her what you are most scared of is usually what fucking kills you. I close the door behind me leaving the spiders behind to finish her off. The next morning as I am laying in my bed I hear her husband screaming to get help something is wrong with his wife. Yeah the stupid fucking bitch could not handle her own phobia.
Tits to Die For
There are so many naughty things to be done with this perfect set of tits. The possibilities are endless. Try to grab a big round handful, suck my nipples into your mouth and swirl your tongue around. Bury your face between them and gasp for air. That’s what I really like. My favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday is pick up a sweet little morsel to play with. She’s gotta be cute. Infuriatingly cute. It’ll be all the more satisfying as I squeeze her so tight into my tits, consoling her with my soothing voice. She can nestle into me and feel safe. Then I start to pull her into me tighter and closer. Her arms start to flail, but she’s so slight, so easy to restrain. Take me from behind, pump into my cunt harder and faster and watch as she struggles. I can feel her breath and her muffled screams as she slobbers and bites me drawing blood from my breasts. She’s getting weaker and you’re getting closer. While her screams subside and her arms fall limply beneath us, thrust your load inside me and collapse next to her corpse and save it for later.
A Hunting We Will Go
Yesterday I saw this awesome purse in a shop window in town. It was made of leather and shaped like a human skull.
Since then I have been plotting and cumming as my mind races with all these ideas.
I am going to turn this one item into the hottest, twisted ass fun and money making scheme ever.
I am going to gather several prime candidates and bring them to my camp. I am going to groom them and make sure their skin is soft and supple and ready to produce a premium product.
Then I am going to release them and hunt them just like I do animals for skins and meat. They will never find their way out of the woods before I track and kill them.
Once I have killed them I am going to bring them back and skin them and process the hides. each skull will be used as the mold for the skin I retrieve from their bodies and I will make these awesome purses.
Their meat will feed me for some time and the purses will sell at market in town and make me lots of money.
Of course no one will know they are buying a purse made of human hide and molded from it’s donors skull, but I will know.
The idea of it has me so fucking hot and horny and I can’t wait to begin! This is the best fucking idea I have ever had!
Blood Play Phone Sex
I was in the mood for some blood play phone sex tonight. I went and rented a small motel room where I used my laptop to place an ad on the internet saying that I had another computer for sale. I got a call from a young man saying he wanted it for his nephew that is going to be starting college. He came to the room where I invited him in, let him have a seat as I walked around him to get the big with the computer in it. Instead I grabbed my cloth covered in chloroform and placed it over his mouth and nose causing him to pass out. Dragging him over to the bed and tying each limb to each bed post. Climbing on top of him slashing his fucking throat leaving a gaping hole in his fucking neck. Using my hands I spread the blood all over my body. Sometimes I just need a little blood to play in, getting something for dinner for a few weeks is just a place.
Smoking Hot
When I went out last night looking for some fun, I knew the minute I saw you that you were the one. My cunt reacted as soon as I saw you, the perfect human specimen and just what I needed to keep my wicked ways satisfied. I knew just how to look at you from across the room. It didn’t take long till you were making your way across the room to me. You bought me a drink and the conversation began. I initially had very decided plans for you for latter in the evening. But the more you talked the more my plans changed. You were so arrogant. So sure that you are god’s gift to women. So fine and so perfect and any woman would be honored if you choose to share your evening with them. Outwardly I just smiled and agreed. But inside my blood was boiling and my cunt was dying to take you home and teach you a lesson. You so needed to be taken down not one notch or two but several. Wouldn’t you know that I am just the bitch to do it in more ways then one. By the end of the night as I unlocked my front door the need to show you a thing or two was screaming inside me. I ripped your clothes off stroking that ego and making you believe that I just couldn’t wait for your male perfection. Then I undressed and your eyes betrayed the satisfaction over my perfection. I lead you to my play room and your cock was hard almost before we crossed the threshold. Men, your so predictable…I let you run your hands over my body. I let you please me with out touching you once. You begged me for some relief and I just told you to be patient. When the time was right I sucked that dick. I brought you to the edge and then stopped. Your begging for more was so pitiful but it was time for your lesson. I tell you how fucking hot you are and then took your hands dipping them in a pail of fluid. The lighter was flicked and your hands in flames before your brain could register the act. I laughed as you screamed in pain while explaining that I just wanted you to be truly as hot as you thought you were. Smoking hot, sizzling, just for me. That will teach you won’t it?
Knife Play Fun
I have kept you for a week. Feeding you, making you think we are friends and I am here to help you. You are young, you ran away from home and have no where else to go, no other friends, no where to turn.
I have enjoyed your company, I have enjoyed laying with you under the night sky and fucking you like I would a lover. But it has all been for a reason.
There is always an ulterior motive. Life is a jungle, it is kill or be killed. Use and be used and your time was finally up.
You were happy to do exactly as I said thinking this was another game that would end in pleasure and be fun. And it did, for me.
You stand there tied to the wooden stake coming out of the earth, naked and unafraid.
I take you one last time. Slowly. Gently at first, and then I let my blood lust for pain and horror take over my mind, heart and soul.
I bite chunks of flesh from your body. And the knife play begins. The cutting and stabbing and watching you bleed that satisfies my soul. I cut pieces of you off and eat them in front of you. I shove things in side every opening in your body that you never imagined would be inside you, piercing you from the inside out. And finally I set the fire. I watch it as it climes up your legs. I listen as you scream and beg me to put it out.
No one can hear you, no one is coming, no one but me that is.
I am cumming hard, it is flowing down my legs, my eyes are wild with a satisfaction that only I know how to feel. A satisfaction brought to me by your pain, your innocents and your screams.
I will sleep well tonight and plot to go find the next body that will lay in your place until he or she brings me this same pleasure.