Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Hunting with Friends

Evil Phone Sex Reagan

I know she wants to be more sadistic. Dear sweet, stupid Taylor. She has asked many of my sadistic kin, no, begged them, to let her victimize instead of being the victim. All of us had been fucking with Taylor a very long time. She has this barbie doll look to her, that we all hate. She is actually a nice person, unlike us. And she is a fucking pain slut, which works to our advantage. She has “Use and Abuse” tattooed on her fucking cunt for fucks sake! Not really, but all of us had contemplated doing such a thing to her just for fun! We finally got tired of her intensive whining, and made her a deal.

Evil Phone Sex Taylor

Want to be a true sadistic? It was time to get rid of the one thing that held you into this compassionate world. You see, if there is one thing me and my sadistic kin had in common, we had no family. We had nothing to lose. Our families either died at a young age, disowned us, or just plain abused us so bad… that the monster’s they laid inside us, came back to fucking kill them. We were on our own. Loners, drifters, serial killers, torturers, blood lusting whores.. supreme evil, with a contempt for those below us. Taylor agreed, she hated her fucking sister Julie so bad.. and the rest. Well, if she had to choose between the life she needed to live, and the family who did nothing for her.. she chose us. The Sadists. Now knowing that this was no easy task, testing a natural victim, to be a sadistic. I had a few ideas on how to set up a kill scene for Taylor, I consulted with Blaze and Angie.

Blaze is as close to a best friend as I could have. We have done Evil Phone Sex Blazemany unspeakable things together. Blaze loves to make brats cry, as do I. I love how she is such a devious cunt. One night she was babysitting and had me cum over, so I could train this submissive slut, on how to be a true whore. Between the nipple clamps, ice, and fucking my favorite knife.. I had so many good pictures from that night, to remind me just how sadistic my little Blaze could really be! She will be the perfect accomplice to help me train poor dumb Taylor. She liked my ideas, only thing left to do was consult with Angie.

Evil Phone Sex AngieNow Angie lives for the hunt. We are the same in that aspect. I love the chase as much as anyone. Only difference is, I chase with my bare hands. And when I chase, it is usually a NO win situation. I love watching the fear in their eyes when they realize there is no where to go. However, Angie, she uses range weapons. She has miles and miles of property, and she loves the fact that they can see their escape. But you see, Angie is just that good! They wont escape.. ever! She just likes to let them feel they can. Once a year she has a hunt. Even keeps her prey Evil Phone Sex Reaganlocked up for weeks, to make sure the stakes are even. She feeds and keeps their strength up. Silly prey!

This was going to be perfect. Taylor would lure her family up here, to Angie’s land, and up till the very end her family would have no clue just what Taylor had planned. Especially her sister Julie 🙂 Blaze will be helping with the raw torture.. she loves to sexually torture and violate young virgins. And you can never ever forget to film it. The evil little Blaze loves to exploit the younger stupid ones. “There is so much money to be had, so much golden virgin pussy”! I can not even count how many times she has said this. Blaze would definitely be taking good care of our little victim and her family! Ah, and then Angie will grab her gun and bow. No hope for this family Robinson. Such a good clean cut family. And now it will be a clean cut for this good family!

And even though Taylor wanted to make this transition, I really wanted to torture that victim. She actually believes that this will be her last time tied up under our spell? To bad in the end, Taylor will know her place under our thumb. She was such a useful whore.. Lured her family up here just for us! I did tell you she was dumb didn’t I? Her family will get to know it was her to bring them their fate, and poor dumb Taylor will always be our victim! As I have said it before, the fear that you can almost taste – the fear that you can defiantly smell.. thick in the air.. it calms me. I love the hunt!

Evil Phone Sex Taylor

Torture Phone Sex with Cassandra: The Fears of a Clown

torture phone sexWhen I was a little girl, I was deathly afraid of clowns. I know it sounds ridiculous. Who is afraid of Bozo the Clown? But you see, my father terrorized me when I lived at home. He wanted his sweet girl scared and dependent on him at all times; so he filled the house with evil looking clowns. They were under my bed, lurking in my closet, hidden throughout the dark corners of the house. He somehow even made them move. In hindsight I know it is foolish, but my therapist said a fear of clowns is a common phobia called Coulrophobia. To this day I am still afraid of clowns. I thought I could trust my therapist with my secrets. I was wrong.

This morning I went for my weekly session with Dr. Sandage and he said he wanted to do some hypnotherapy to regress me back to my younger years in order to help me conquer my fear of clowns. I was listening to the sound of his soothing voice when all of a sudden the lights went off and I felt hands choking me. Then a ball gag was slipped in my mouth and my hands and feet were bound. Dr. Sandage was not alone. When the lights came back on, I was horrified to see a room full of evil looking clowns and my doctor dressed up like Pennywise from the Stephen King movie that made me pee my pants. I started crying and shivering. I was naked in front of my doctor and these evil clowns. I peed on myself in fear. This was not therapy. This was torture. Dr. Pennywise was hooking up electric wires to my breasts and my pussy lips. I couldn’t talk with the ball gag in my mouth. I was covered in red and blue just like a fucking clown.

Dr. Pennywise then started making me look at images of clowns and with every image I felt a shock ravage my body. It was a horrifying pain. This went on for hours. I was being tortured. There was nothing therapeutic about what was being done to me. I could smell my nipples burning from the shock. The smell of my own charred flesh made me vomit. I was forced to swallow my own vomit because of the ball gag. What the fuck kind of treatment was this. I was more horrified with every clown face. I was just getting more afraid. My breasts were turning purple from the constant electrodes. I was close to passing out when I saw this huge cattle prod. I smelled like vomit, pee and singed flesh. I had no fight in me left. I could barely moan. Dr. Pennywise and his evil assistant shoved that cattle prod right up my ass. The pain was excruciating. I started convulsing and foaming at the mouth. They fucked my ass with that cattle prod while making me watch It. By the time it was over, my body felt like jelly. All I could smell was vomit, piss, shit, burning flesh and blood. Oh and cum. I could smell cum because they jacked their dicks all over me, covering me in spunk. I was amazed I was still breathing. My heart rate felt shallow. I heard Dr Pennywise say, “Clean yourself up bitch. Therapy is over.”

He untied me, but he didn’t even give me a towel to clean myself up with. I was a weak hot mess. I did my best to get dressed and get out of that evil chamber, but I fell trying to get out the door from fatigue. Dr. Pennywise and his creepy assistant picked me up and tossed  me like human garbage onto the curb. I heard them say as I laid on the concrete scared and hurt, “Your’re cured whore.” Maybe, but I now have a terrifying fear of doctors.

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Dark Blasphemy Phone Sex

blasphemy phonesex

The fucking father, son and holy ghost. Can you fucking believe these damned hypocrites? These stupid mother fuckers are on their knees on Sunday.. Praying for forgiveness. Touting their faith and how they are mere sinners and not worthy of the love and grace that their fucking God bestows upon them. Then they go home and get fucked up, screwing their fellow man in every fucking way imaginable all week just to start the cycle over again on Sunday. What a bunch of fucking saps. I say they all need to come to the dark side with me. Worship the Dark Prince and know that all that shit you do all week pleases him. You never have to spend another day of your life on your knees begging for forgiveness for all the shit you do six days a week. The fucking truth hurts doesn’t it? Want to really be fucked up? Watch me shove your savior’s head up my ass while his image hangs on that stupid fucking cross. Yeah that is what I think of it all…it’s shit, pure shit. Let me show you how that young girl that you have dressed in virginal white, ready to be his bride and take her first communion on this bullshit day bleeds just like the rest of us. Watch me shove a fucking fist up her cunt and change that dress from white to red in the blink of an eye. Better yet bring that fucking holy man to me. Watch as I lay him on the alter that is all holy and shit and wrap my  tongue around the cock that he can’t keep from rising to greet me. I will suck the seed right out of him and let you watch it spew on your fucking alter and my face while not one of you can keep from masturbating as you watch the show. You fucking hypocrites.blasphemy phonesex karma

Blasphemy Phone Sex: At the Altar

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My lover and I were sitting at the diner, drinking coffee, when a young priest approached us.  He ranted about how we were living in sin and how he would pray for us.  I made a mental note of what church he attended; and, my lover shook her head.  She knew I wouldn’t let it go.

Saturday night, before church on Sunday, it was really easy; I snagged a boy from the playground.  And, luckily, he fit into the choirboy uniform that I’d stolen from a costume shop.  It wasn’t completely authentic, but I was happy with it.  Then, I sedated the young boy and drove to the church.  At dusk, it was quite eerie; and, I liked it…that big church building that was more grotesque than anything. 

The priest looked shocked to see me, but I knew that he was alone; I knew his routine by now.  I never leave things up to chance.  I threw the boy down at his feet and his mouth dropped.  “I brought you that sacrificial lamb that you’ve been drooling after,” I said between my teeth.  He shook his head, but he couldn’t avoid my confrontation.  I leaned over the alter and looked him squarely in the eyes.  “I know what you like to do, Father,” I said with a sneer.  “More like wolf,” I laughed.  It was so simple, really: the more that I talked about the young boy’s flesh, the more he looked like a cherub to the priest.  And soon, there the priest was…leaning down over the bate. 

I taunted him and told him to get on with it and defile the lamb.  He balked at first; looking at me with large eyes, he tried to rationalize what he wanted to do.  “Even if you are the Devil, God has sent you…brought him through you.  So, God must want me take this precious boy and show him grace.”  “Why don’t you take that grace out of your pants, Father?” I snickered and walked around the two bodies.  He brushed the little boy’s hair off the face; and, I could tell by the twitching that the boy was waking up.  The priest bent down, shaking, craving the boy’s penis in his mouth.  And, suddenly, the boy shot up, the razor clutched in his hand…and stabbed the priest directly in the throat.  The boy could not have done better if he had aimed.  I watched the boy become covered in blood; and, as the priest took his last gargled, bloody breaths, the boy looked up at me with a smile.  Maybe I had found a kindred spirit, too, I thought.

Blasphemy Phone Sexd

Does Taboo Phone Sex Scare You?

taboo phonesex angieI have so many lovely little items around my house that keep it nice and cozy. Things like my hand collection. Hands that I have severed from victims and placed in ant hills until the flesh is completely devoured by my little insect friends so that I can keep the skeletal remains forever. Or the beautiful lamps that I make that are lit and have severed body parts floating inside them. Or my wall of heads, skulls from previous victims that have been picked clean just like the hands and placed on display .I have always cherished my little chachkies and have kept them all to myself. However recently a very nosy, very annoying family has moved into the neighborhood. I decided it was time to teach them a lesson. I know it won’t take me any time at all to scare these fuckers right out of their house. Last night I put my plan in motion. I took one of my least favorite hands and slipped into their home while they slept. I placed it in the kitchen, in the garbage disposal so that in the morning they would find it. I plan to bury a skull next to the front walk tonight with the crown sticking out of the ground. Next they will find a beheaded chicken on the back porch. Things will gradually get worse until the final nail in the coffin. A black cat that I killed yesterday. I gutted it and shaved an inverted cross into it’s fur between it’s eyes. This wonderful trinket will be left in their bed while they are at work. Under the covers so that they don’t find it until they turn in for the night. I can keep this up for ever if I have to, but I believe after a few weeks of little surprises they will be more then ready to pack.taboo phone sex

Sadistic Phone Sex: Jack in the Box

Sadistic phone sex

One of friend’s girlfriend’s birthdays was this weekend. So, I decided to do something different to shock the hell out of her. I knew that she hates being scared with a passion…and she also hates clowns! So, all of us got together and bought all the Jack in the Box toys that we could find. Then, her boyfriend, Jason, wired them to be sensitive to movement. It’s great to have clever and mechanically-minded friends! We didn’t have to put up surveillance cameras to see her reaction because, unbeknownst to his girlfriend, Jason had already installed them because he got off on spying on her.

She vanilla and didn’t know about the unusual delights that Jason and I enjoyed. So, he decided the best way to tell her would be to show her…and scare the shit out of her while doing so. Jason had just stalked and killed a really lovely plump piece of prey; in fact, she looked a lot like Jason’s girlfriend now that I think about it. And, we had feasted on her for the last few days; it was a gift to me since I had been sick.  We took little pieces…like the ears, a few fingers, and bloody jewelry…and placed it on top of the clown that jumped out of the box; that way, when it popped open, she wouldn’t be able to avoid the gruesome sight. 

We boarded up the house and sat in the attic, enjoying the show.  As expected, she nearly jumped out of her skin.  And, the first body part that she found was an eyeball that was still attached to the socket.  By the time that she had opened nearly all of the toys and seen Jason’s handiwork, we went downstairs; she was crouched in the middle of the floor, sobbing and sitting in her own vomit.  Jason picked her up and tied her to the chair.  He retrieved a portion of our feast from his fridge; and he gave her a rather nice slice that make my mouth water.  She refused to open her mouth until he clenched her nose between his fingers.  He forced the meat down her throat and he smiled, “Now you’re one of us.  Whether you like it or not.”  She didn’t last much longer that weekend because we started carving her flesh and couldn’t stop; it was pity for Jason, but she did taste delicious. 

Sadistic phone sex 1

Evil Phone Sex with Blair: My Son’s House of Horrors

evil phone sex mommy subThis weekend, my  Son said we were going to take a drive in the country, stay at a nice little B and B and have quality time together. I was so excited. Usually he just has time to fuck me, pimp me out to his friends, humiliate me, slap me around and leave me covered in cum. Once in a blue moon, he is a benevolent master and enjoys quality time with his mother. I thought this weekend trip was one such time. Of course, I was wrong.

We returned to my house. He forgot something. When we arrived back home, there was no one else there. And the power appeared off. Odd. Before I could even put my suitcase down and check the lights, my son threw me in the basement. I was down there, in the dark for over an hour, scared and alone. Then I heard the door open, and my son came down, shoved me against the wall and said, “Ready for a little game mommy? If you survive, if you get out, we can have your precious mommy son getaway.” Apparently, all I had to do was get out of the house. Like some maze or something. Obviously, he was in a sadistic mood this weekend. Which meant he had been snorting nose candy all weekend. This is never good for me.

evil phone sex bloody mommyHe left me in the basement, but untied my hands and I had to figure out how to get out of this hell hole. I tried to gain some composure and think. I started to crawl against wall till I could find some stairs or a door. I found the stairs, and started to crawl up them. I hate the dark. My son knows this. He gets sick pleasure out of watching me suffer; out of knowing I’m scared. At the top of the stairs I put my hands in something really gross and slimy. It was moving. I freaked out, pushed open the door and a little hint of light shined on this huge pile of worms. I thought I would vomit. Worms creep me out, but then my son knows that. He knows all my fears. I didn’t get far before I felt something crawling on me, more than just something, a lot of somethings. I started running in the dark, hit a table and fell down. I closed my mouth and my eyes as I felt big hairy things, spiders I bet, swarming my body. I was trembling, crying; I even peed my pants I was so scared. They seemed endless. I remembered my cell phone was in my pocket and I reached for it and turned it on for some faint light. I was horrified at all the hairy creepy spiders  all over my body. I stood up, spun around trying to shake them off. My skin was crawling.killer phone sex kinky mom

My son and a bunch of his twisted coked up friends were watching me somehow jacking their cocks to my fear; I just knew it. I was scared, trembling but  kept trying to get the fuck out of there. Suddenly I was in another room, the living room I think, and for a moment I thought the worse was over, then I got a glimpse of this evil voodoo doll with a spear I think. Almost shit myself. There was some sort of flashing white light so it looked like the doll was moving. Then I felt a sharp pain, and felt blood trickling down my leg. I look down and that thing was fucking alive. It chased me around the room, stabbing my ankles and my feet. I was begging my son to give up this nonsense. Said they could all gang bang me if they wanted, just let me out of my  house of horrors. I was scared and now bleeding and hurt. I was ignored. I tried to get to the master bedroom, limping. Before I could, I saw and evil clown. I have hated clowns since I was a little girl and my daddy tormented me with them. Of course my son knows this; he knows everything and that knowledge was being used against me for his entertainment. I was beginning to go mad. This was insane. Everything I am scared of was in this house.

sadistic phone sex evil mommyI managed to hobble to the bedroom, praying that eventually I would just walk out the front door and this would be over. I saw the mirror and thought if I shined my cell phone in it I might be able to illuminate the room enough to get my bearings and find the window or something to get out. As soon as I shined the light I saw an evil, scary apparition.  A ghostly white face staring back at me. Surely this was not my reflection. I screamed loudly closed my eyes in attempt to make it go away. I counted to ten, but before I reached the end, cold hands throttled my neck saying, “Be one of us Blair.” Be one of what? The dead?  Was I even gonna make it out alive? Was this real or all part of my son’s evil plan to scare the life out of his mother. I fought whatever this creature was  and got away but had scratches all over my face; I could feel blood running down my face. I was panicked, and this game had gone on too long now. I started running, but something, someone grabbed my feet and I fell to the ground. My face smacked hard on the floor. I turned around and saw this bloody, pale girl that looked literally like death pulling me towards her. I screamed and I kicked, but she kept pulling me. Until she pulled me back down into the basement.  I fell several feet through a trap door and banged my body up good. I was lying there on the floor, bloody, in pain, scared shitless, thinking I might actually die in my own house when my son turned on flashing white lights and I looked around and there he was with several friends laughing at me. They started calling me a cry baby whore and kicking me, and spitting on me. I was all ready battered and bruised and bleeding all over. fantasy phone sex mommy taboo

They enjoyed beating the living crap out of me for awhile before jacking their cocks all over me. They enjoyed seeing their cum on my bruised, swollen and bloody body.  They enjoyed fucking my ass repeatedly as I laid their helpless, semi conscious and in need of medical attention. And my son loved turning my house, our pleasure palace, into a house of horrors for me. I love my son, but he is a sick mother fucker who gets off on tormenting me. I barely survived my scare house; I can only imagine what is in store for me next.

Broken Wings

Taboo phone sex1

One night, I heard my nieces whispering; they were talking about the new pastor at the church that I hadn’t attended since I was younger then them.  Curious, I leaned in and listened.  One whispered that she’d heard the pastor had been having “relations” with some of the choir boys and girls.  Another one whispered that she’d seen pictures by accident; he had showed them to her, but she had ran out of the room before he could touch her.  Infuriated, I decided to take a trip down to the church.  Candles were lit and lights were on in the study, so I was sure the pastor was there.  My heavy heels clicked against the thin carpet as a young, blonde man emerged from the study.  When I told him that I was looking for the pastor, he surprised me by informing me that I was looking at him.  He was so young, younger than I can ever remember seeing a pastor.  I could see how some of his young flock may be attracted to the smooth-talking, baby-faced young man; but he didn’t fool me.  I knew that my nieces would never lie about those things that I heard them speaking about.

He looked me up and down, and I could see a little disappointment in his face.  “Usually, the young girls and boys hang out here at night.  I like to keep them out of trouble,” he said.  I replied, “I bet.”  I looked around his office while he sat in his expensive leather chair an impatiently waited for me to explain why I was there.  I wasn’t in a rush since I had locked the church door behind me; but, I did find it odd that all of his pictures were of young people and himself.  Fuming, thinking that one of those young faces could have been my niece, I wrapped a chord around his wrists.  I pressed my spiked heel to his rotatory cuff and twisted his arms out of their sockets.  He screamed, but not to my satisfaction.  I took the envelope opener from his desk and began sawing off his trimmed pecker.  It took sweat and muscle, but it was an enjoyable feat.  Then, I drug him to the alter, where there were a few feathered harnesses laying by the stage.  “They’re my little angels.  You don’t understand.”  I told him that I did and kicked the bloody mass between his legs until he was sitting beneath the table that held the offerings during service.  I carved “false prophet” on his chest.  I blindfolded him and told him that I sparing the looks of horror from those that found him; but, I wanted him to acutely hear their screams.

I wasn’t sure that night if he lived or not; but, he did.  A couple of months later, though, he was back in the newspapers: this time he was found with his throat slit over the chalice bowl.  It seemed that someone else didn’t like what he was doing, either.  But, it also seemed more personal: there was a crucifix shoved up his urethra, what was left of that dick that he’d loved using so much.

Gothic Teen Torture

Gothic phone sex

Goth teenagers are always hanging around the downtown area, where I like to stroll at night.  As I sat on a park bench and watched the annoying joking of young imbeciles, one stood out in particular.  She looked a little older than the others, but she carried herself far worse…all hunched over.  I squinted into the dark and saw the culprit of her odd gait: a cane.  It wasn’t for appearances; rather, she shifted her weight on it for support in order to walk.  I became intrigued by her and decided that I’d come back another night to learn more about her.  To my surprise, when I returned the next night, she was sitting on my bench, beneath the shadows of the trees.  She wasn’t ugly, but I could definitely tell now that she was a teenager, despite looking older than the others.  When she spoke, she was articulate, the only indications of her youth were some words, such as “like” and “omg.”  I’ve never understood why people want to talk in text code as if they are some kind of computer.

She told me this sad tale of her life; and, I actually listened because it wasn’t what I was expecting.  She had been beaten, molested, and scarred by her father since she was very young.  She still lived with him when she couldn’t find enough food on the streets.  With unusual clarity for such a young person, she told me that she wanted to die…but that she wanted to die the same way that she had lived: by torture.  It was an unusual request, but she was emphatic.  Without much thought, I followed her to a nearby graveyard, where she had set up several butcher knives and a makeshift alter.  “Take all of my power away,” she said.  Instinctively, I picked up her cane and began whipping her with it.  I told her what a horrible daughter and disgrace that she was; she added her own insults and prostrated herself on the makeshift alter that was really just a large, jagged stone.  I raised one butcher knife at a time, leveled it in her face, and struck her with it; She was pinned to the rock like the injured animal that she was.  I took her wooden cane, broke it in half, and shoved it through her heart.  Her last gasps were gurgles; and, as the blood rolled between her lips, I noticed glistening tears coating the dark black makeup that surrounded her eyes.  It was beautiful and haunting.  I’m sure that she was proud.

She Tasted Great

accomplice phone sex (6)

Guadalupe, one of my many owners, lost his temper again. He looked through his girl’s cell phone and saw that she was texting another brotha. This enraged him because he was head over heels in love with her. They had been together for quite some years now and he even had her name tattooed on his back. She and I talked sometimes when we prepared the meals for the men. I envied her so much because I was just a fucking object whereas she was the love of somebody’s life. That ungrateful cunt should’ve known better than to text another man when there were women begging to be in her place! When he saw the text messages Rosalita automatically began to try to explain by Lupe wasn’t for it. He slapped her across the face and dragged her body down the stairs. I could hear the back off her head “THUMP” each time it hit a step. I know what that shit feels like and trust me, it isn’t good. He ripped her clothes off as she screamed for him to stop and calm down. “Papi, it isn’t what you think” she exclaimed as he ripped off her bra and panties. I watched as he took her body for the last time. As he thrust he said things like, “I really loved you Lita” and “I can’t lose you to anybody else”. I could hear the pain in his voice as he grunted. Then when he was done, as cool as a cucumber, he held her by her hair and slit her throat from ear to ear. Just like that Rosalita was gone. Lupe called me over and told me to clean up the mess and get rid of her cheating ass. I remember the last time I tried to get rid of a bitch they fucked and murdered but that didn’t end too well. I had to be quick and then I got it! I wanted to give Guadalupe one last chance to be with his “Lita” so I dragged her to the back yard. It was all fenced in so nobody could see me hauling a dead puta with me.accomplice phone sex layla (6.0) I got the chain saw, prepared myself, and started cutting. I cut her arms and legs into four pieces and cut all the meat off the bone. As for her torso I didn’t want to do much with it because the bitch had a brat in there. From the looks of it she was about 4 months. I disposed of her mid-section and head and went to the kitchen to clean the meat. I removed all the fat trimmings and flesh so that I could season it up real good for dinner and serve it with my famous enchiladas. That’s right; we’re going to eat this cunt tonight! I haven’t had a real meal in ages so I will eat any meat put in front of me. When dinner was done all them rushed to the kitchen for a plate. Guadalupe came back for seconds and showed me the first sign of affection I’ve gotten in months. He kissed my forehead and said, “She was delicious.”