7 months, 29 days, 13 hours and 12 minutes. That’s how long I had been planning for this night. For months I sat silently in the shadows, watching my prey. Months of meticulous prepping and planning for this moment. I had had this poor girl in my dungeon for days. After the initial joy of the hunt faded, I only popped down into the dungeon to make sure she wasn’t dead or dying. The blood from the many slices I had made to her body had long lost its vibrant crimson hue, and was now the depressing brown of congealed blood. She was missing an eye from where I had ripped it out if it’s socket, and a few fingernail had been torn from their beds as well, but other than that I hadn’t really sone much with the little cunt. Occasionally I would go down and carve small patterns on her smooth flesh, but after while she stopped screaming and I would get bored… Don’t get me wrong, she was great while she screamed and begged and pleaded but now she was complacent and quiet. She had accepted her fate. As upsetting as it was, it was time to end it. It was a quick death, a shot of Bleach straight into her heart. She was dead within minutes, and I quickly got to work disposing of her mangled corpse. The time I spent planning this little… excursion… was defiantly worth it.
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
Crimson Part 5
I’M INto CHoking your life And RaidinG your pEace of mind
Wanna know what gets me wet? Seeing the fingerprint imprints my hands make as I’m squeezing the breath out of your slimy throat. I like watching the abrasive red splotches darken to deep purple bruises as a result of my handiwork. It takes serious skill to stop the convulsing long enough to get a good knee kick into the underside of a fucking guy’s chin. An elbow across the forehead will split apart the skin . . . and as the blood is pouring out of the slash in his head, I’m doing an uppercut with my fist connecting all the pieces. It brings a smile to my face every time I see it. Maybe someday I’ll be a good little girl and pray before dinner, but for now, if you’re gonna fuck with me, be prepared to fear it…
Home Invasion Phone Sex * Brother and Sister
Next to hunting down victims, the best thrill is being a good accomplice. But even better is when my partner in crime plays a victim too. They don’t want to be known as an evil doer, and that gives me so much more room to play. This time it was a very dirty man who wanted to fuck his sister. He had always wanted her, but was so much older than her. It had to look like I was going to force him to fuck her. I waited till the evening and when I saw them inside alone, I entered the house through the back door. I did not even bother to hide who I was, since there would be no witnesses after tonight.
Of course the stupid slut screamed, I was expecting that.. so I sucker punched and knocked her out. Her brother tied her up good and tight and when she awoke I had a gun to his head a knife to her throat and I told her to open wide. Brother marked his territory alright, and she choked it down through tears. I did not even have to say a word, brother told her he was being forced to violate her or I would kill them both. I just laughed. What a lying sack of shit, right?
He had his way with her, fucked every hole while she cried like a dumb bitch. It was fun to watch cause I knew this would not be a happy ending. After I grew tired of her cries and his grunts of carnal lust at the expense of his sister, I shot them both. And since I did not touch a thing. I just wiped my prints off the gun and put it in his hands. Another murder suicide. One of my best staged scenes.
Listen To The Hummmmm
I pull the string and it vibrates in my hands, humming, singing to me, sending waves of adrenalin coursing through my veins. She lays there gagged, wide eyed watching, shaking, defecating all over herself from fear, naked, cold, nipples hard, sweat pouring out of every pore in her body. I stand over her holding it, feeling every nerve ending in my body come alive.The blood will squirt and spatter all over my walls. Hunks of flesh will fly and hit my body hot and sticky. I know what is about to happen. My knees are weak with anticipation. I hold the base of the humming machine against my dlit and enjoy the feel of it, enjoying her terrified sobs. It is time, I grab the gag and rip it from her mouth I want to hear the scream. It won’t last long but I want to hear it non the less. Slowly I lower the whirling blade of my chain saw to her throat a fist full of her dark hair in my hand, I can feel the blade touch her skin and I go as slow as I can. Watching her flesh rip and tear and the blood begin to fly. The scream is deafening, ringing in my ears as I slowly sink the blade into her neck, severing her head from her body. I lift it and delight at the blinking eyes, the muscles still twitching. Throwing it into the commode, eyes wide and staring into space, I reach down and smear her blood all over me, cumming in long hard spasms. Decapitation is so delightful!
Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Oops, Did I Do That?
I was trying to see my future with my crystals and tarot cards today. This is a weekly ritual I do. But this stupid cunt in the apartment below me was blaring her music and interrupting my concentration. I pounded on the floor and yelled at her to turn her music the fuck down. It was some god awful modern country crap about a tractor being sexy. What the fuck? This bitch needed some manners, not to mention some fucking taste in music.
I grabbed my big ass knife to scare the cunt and pounded on her door. I was like what the fuck did you not understand about turn the music down. The bitch got mouthy with me. I pushed her outta my way and back into her apartment. I slapped her hard across the face and told her to shut the fuck up. I explained I was not the bitch to mess with, especially today. I was PMSing big time. Well, she called me a troll. What the hell? So, I cut her. No one talks disrespectfully to me. Especially not some rude little cunt. I slashed her face harder and deeper than I intended. Blood spurted on my face and I got a bit intoxicated from it. I love blood. Well, other people’s blood. She was whining and holding her face, trying to stop the flow of blood spurting out when I just go so enthralled, I slashed the bitch again and again and again. Blood was spewing out her face like a fucking geyser. Me bad. I just lost control. She was rude, whiny and disrespectful. Plus she had bad taste in music. The cunt didn’t deserve to live. There was blood everywhere. It was a mess, but a quiet mess. I marched back upstairs, hide my knife and got my tarot cards. Went back down to her place, laid in the blood and read my future. No jail for me because no one will miss a rude, whiny and disrespectful bitch. Do you got one in your life who needs to be snuffed out? I am the perfect accomplice.
Kidnapping Phone Sex with Blair: Bad Mommy
I decided to go see the new horror film “As Above, So Below” last night by myself. I snuck out of the house because I needed some me time. As I was coming out, a man grabbed me and threw me in his SUV. He immediately put a cage type device over my head so I could not see where we were going. I tried to speak, but that device gave me a strange echo. I wondered if my son realized I was missing and decided to hunt me down and punish me for my insolence. I was kidnapped right outside the theater and no one did a thing too. The next thing I knew, I was being dragged by my feet out of the vehicle, down some stairs and being strung up like a side of beef. I heard an enhanced voice say, “You have been a very bad whore.” Then I felt a hard sucker punch to my belly. I almost puked.
Then I felt a vibrator on my clit, but no normal vibrator. This was like a power tool and the stimulation was actually painful. I began to whimper and convulse. Then the electric cattle prod was rammed up my pussy sending shock waves all through my body. Painful shock waves that made me pee on the floor and twitch like a dead body. It was a constant repetitive cycle of a punch to the gut, over stimulation on my clit, and a cattle prod inserted in my pussy. This went on for hours. I had vomited several times in my caged mask. My body was limp.
Then suddenly, I was cut down. I laid there on the floor for several minutes in a pool of my own bile and piss, when I heard my son say, “This will teach you whore to leave without permission.” I am a disobedient slave and got what I deserved. If I were to disobey you master, how would you punish me?
Taboo Phone Sex and Jade
I had been watching her for a few days; but, I knew tonight would be different. And, she didn’t disappoint me. She had a tall, thick companion with her. And, they seemed to gracefully walk through the night with a purpose that I was eager to know. It was a suburban home; there was no car there but a light. I already knew that they had scoped the house out; and, I guessed that the young boy had been left there in care of his babysitter while the parents went out on some kind of date…to the movies or wherever people like that go.
The walked up to the door, blending in with the night; the man stood away from the keyhole and Jade easily had the young school girl open the door. Then the game was on! It looked like she stuck the young teen with a syringe; and the girl collapsed. But before the girl hit the floor, the large man swooped her up. He crammed her in a duffel bag because she was so small. No one saw anything. I only saw it because I had night vision glasses. Following them in their van proved to be tricky. They took all the precautions to get to their destination, which ended up being an abandoned warehouse.
When they got there, they gave the girl some smelling salts to revive her when she was bound securely to a railing so that she could stand straight up. Then, they began playing with her, as if she was food on their plates. They told her what a whore she was, and they described how they were going to kill and fuck her in vivid detail. Then, the man cut away her jeans to expose her little pussy. He jammed his cock in her and looked at Jade. He pushed harder. “Yeah, this one is a virgin,” he huffed as he tried to get his dick all the way inside of her. “Oh, fuck, yeah, baby. That blood makes it feel real good. Keep bleeding, bitch,” he said as he pummeled her. Then, he and Jade both chose different weapons: a knife and a whip with spikes. They beat the girl until she was unrecognizable, just a piece of flesh in a large pool of blood. Jade and her accomplice kissed passionately. They were going to fuck right there. I watched for a little, enjoying the view of her mahogany skin and the way she was just as rough as he was. Then, I went home and pondered about what I’d seen. Even though I rarely mix sex and my playtime, I wondered if it might be something worth reconsidering.
Devil Boy’s First Orders
I recently sort of adopted spawn, not to raise 24/7, but to cultivate his evil, sadistic side. You may wonder how something so young could have so much evil; well, I know it’s possible…I am a prime example, myself. I know that he has the sadistic, bloody hunger inside of him. What I do not know is if he will be meticulous enough not to get caught and patient enough not to make huge mistakes. We will see; but, right now, I’m just enjoying it and eager to send him on his first task.
His instructions were to get off on the bus at a further exit; the ride would be a couple of hours. It was time for him to mentally prepare as well as a test of his patience. His task was to find a little girl and do whatever he pleased with her; but, he must kill her without being seen…and within half of an hour. Of course, I did not go with him; instead, I hooked an untraceable camera to his shirt.
I knew the moment he had chosen her: she was dainty, blonde-haired…almost like a sprite, really. And, instead of following her to kiss her, he was hunting her like the prey she was. I could barely contain my excitement; and, I was a little nervous for him. Maybe I should have given him more instructions, but it was too late now. He was talking with her, leading her into the woods by the nearby park. The canopy of trees made everything seem eerily dark; but, I could see the glimmer of a knife.
He pushed her down; she was already crying. He covered her mouth with his hand. I could see that he was pushing his hand very hard against her lips; her eyes were huge. I couldn’t see the knife raised; but, I saw it find it’s target. He straddled her, his ass smothering her face; and, he lifted the knife again and again. Slicing the little girl to the point of overkill, I was impressed with his strength. When he was done, he admired his work; then, he peeled off his bloody clothes and replaced them with the clean ones that were in his backpack. So far, so good; now, for the next lesson!
Bough Breaks
Stupid vaginal puss sacks. I can’t stand them. Running around with snot bubbling out of their disgusting sticky faces. It boggles my mind at how Adults loose their shit when one of these walking botched abortions smile, or make a coo sound. You’re a fucking adult, act like one. They don’t need you for anything but food and water. That’s it. Fuck all that hugging and kissing crap. They call that shit ‘bonding’, who wants to bond with a shit factory? Not I.
My friends always tell me they hope I never get pregnant because I would be the worst Mother in the world. You know what? They are fucking correct. What would I do with it? I don’t want to smell it, hold it, sing to it, cuddle it or even acknowledge it’s existence. However, maybe that’s what these things need. Just to be left the fuck alone. Maybe they would grow up with no emotion, no need to have friends, no cares in the world. How self sufficient would they be when they realized that all their crying wouldn’t get them anything, and that they had to fend for themselves? Better then these spoiled brats that are being pushed out by the million every day thinking they are entitled to every single god damn pleasure in life just because their Mother spread their legs when they were drunk and ended up having a parasite growing inside them. Load of bullshit if you ask me.
Fuck them, fuck all those under the age of 25 who think that they should have what ever they want without working for it. Fuck their parents for creating these idiots, and fuck this stupid entitlement shit the world feeds them. It’s time to break some of cradles from the bough and watch these things fall. If they do not have the strength to survive, then whatever, not my problem.
With every rise of his hand the welts became larger and larger. I stood there watching from a slight distance as he broke a sweat wounding the flawless pale skin that had been exposed. He was skilled at this task. He would work on one area then begin on a fresh spot. Once in a while he would look over his shoulder at me and signal for me to bring him some water. It was laying there whimpering. He was even kind to it a few times, letting it get a sip of water. However I knew something it didn’t, his niceness was false. He wanted to lull it into thinking it was over, I knew it wasn’t over, and actually I honestly think that somewhere in that tiny brain, it knew it wasn’t over either.
Every thing was going so well. He was enjoying his treat that I found for him. It was taking care of him, but then it got tired and started to whine that it wanted to go back home. Major mistake. If it would of just keep it’s perfect mouth shut, we wouldn’t be out here in this damn hot sun in the middle of no where.
He reached down to pull the jean shorts all the way off. It spit up at him. He kicked it square in the face and it went limp. He yelled, “SHIT!” I just shook my head. Within a few minutes it started to stir so he went back to the punishment he was doling out.
I can just see the looks on the faces of the people that find it, because I know that it won’t make it out of here. It will be bloated from the sun, the rigor mortise will have set in, parts of it missing from the animals snacking on it. This wouldn’t be the first time someone stumbled across his handy work and it certainly would not be the last.